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New favorite YouTube channels


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Some posts I recently read was about favorite and worst YouTube astro channels. A couple favorites that kept popping up was Ed Ting and Astrobiscuit. Well, I figured I would check them out. So good! I haven't even watched my old standbys in acouple weeks.  These two have become my go to channels.

I really like Ed's straight shooter style on his reviews.  When he changes his mind about a particular item, he's not afraid to tell you either. Its a breath of fresh air.

Watching Astrobiscuit is like watching an entertaining and educational show on TV. Perfect mix of mood music and calming voice. Also that he's willing to try budget methods and show results both good and bad. Definitely thinking about trying some of the lucky imaging he talks about.

So thanks to everyone that recommended these channels. Im hooked on both channels!


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I'm a Cuiv fan too!

I mentioned Northern Panorama in the other thread. He's back making content after a long summer lay-off. 

Probably my favorite just now (actually maybe a tie with Cuiv because he's doing some crazy stuff too). Beautiful photography and very laid back. I feel like I'm there with him on his Arctic adventures. I'm not too bothered about over technical content. I fried my brain at work today so after 12 hours of that I just want to escape. No tutorials, no worries, just chill under a beautiful sky.

When I win the lottery I'm buying me a cabin in the wilderness:


Edited by Paul M
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6 minutes ago, jjohnson3803 said:

PBS Space Time is quite good if you want to get a little deeper into the science.  I also like Sabine Hossenfelder, but she can be somewhat prickly.

I love Space Time . I watch and read anything to do with physics, particularly astrophysics. Plus since age is slowly turning my brain to mush, I really enjoy it when its broken down to simple explanations. 😁

I will check out Sabine Hossenfelder too. Thanks!


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A big +1 for Sabine Hossenfelder, she did an extensive series on quantum mechanics that goes from "what is a particle" through Schrödinger's wave equation, Hermitian operators and ended up with Dirac's Braket notation, something that did my head in when I encountered in in my spectroscopy lectures.

I've also subscribed to the Royal Institution channel for some fairly serious science.

And never forget Dr Becky *sigh*.

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