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Bortle Skies - What cameras?


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A question I would like to pose:

Depending on what Bortle sky you image in, does it make any difference what camera is better to use?

For example, would an OSC 533MC Pro better perform under Bortle 4 skies then if you would use it in Bortle 7/8? The same question would apply if you were using a Mono.


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Your question and example don't seem to match.


3 minutes ago, Skyline said:

Depending on what Bortle sky you image in, does it make any difference what camera is better to use?

In principle no. If camera A is better than camera B - it will be so in Bortle Sky A and Bortle Sky B.

Better camera is always better - regardless of what sort of sky you use it in.

Only thing that can change is "quality gap" between cameras.

11 minutes ago, Skyline said:

For example, would an OSC 533MC Pro better perform under Bortle 4 skies then if you would use it in Bortle 7/8? The same question would apply if you were using a Mono.

For this - answer is yes. (see the mismatch?)

But so will any other camera. This performance improvement has nothing to do with camera itself - but rather with light pollution as source of noise.

With astro imaging it's all about the SNR - and in given amount of time signal will equal in Bortle 4 and Bortle 7/8 (useful signal / target signal that is). What won't be different (and substantially so) is level of noise.

This has nothing to do with camera used and will be so for any camera. Mono included.

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