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Mars - 20 November 2022


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I waited and waited for the forecast clear sky sky to materialise, which it did around 11pm. However, when I opened up on got on target, Mars was a boiling mess due to adverse seeing with the jetstream moving overhead during the evening. I managed 4 runs, each with worsening seeing and the last one as clouds piled back in, so this is the best 10% from the first 6 minute run.


There's not much in the way of fine detail, but large features such as Syrtis Major, Sinus Sabaeus, Sinus Meridiani and Hellas are clearly seen, with the polar hood and clouds towards the south also visible.

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3 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Seeing was Awful this end too. Worst Mars ive seen so far my end.

Still, you did well considering 

Yep, absolutely rubbish seeing. This was with native scope, no barlow. I was going to try the barlow, but clouds ended the session, so I still haven't been able to try higher sampling rates on Mars this apparition. The forecast for the coming nights is rubbish, so I just have to make do with what little I can grab as and when.

EDIT: As per the separate post below, this capture did include using the Baader barlow lens.

Edited by geoflewis
Added use of barlow
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As per the edit note above, much to my surprise when reviewing the capture details file from FireCapture, I discovered that I was actually operating at F21, so I did have the Baader Barlow lens in train. I now recall getting ready to do that last time out, but I lost the sky before I could capture anything, so I must have left the lens in situ without realising it. Even when I saw the larger image scale during processing I didn't cotton on to the reason why - doh..!! 🙄

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