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4 hours ago, paulastro said:

Have you a x2 barlow?  Your 10 inch will manage x240 well when the seeing cooperates, and at the higher power the details will be far easier to make out.  With my 8inch, for Mars I'm using between x200 and x300 with a binoviewer, mostly the higher power.

Sadly not. I could pick one up but as Pixies said I'd end up with the same 50 deg afov and quite narrow total field of view. That said, my glasses make wide afov viewing rather hard as wide afov EPs tend to have less eye relief : (

4 hours ago, Pixies said:

The Vixen SLVs are lovely EPs, however they are only 50° FOV. I have a set I use in my Vixen refractor but that is on a driven EQ mount. 

For Jupiter and Mars, I usually start with around 150x - which will be with an 8mm EP in you scope. They can take higher magnification if the seeing is good. But at that magnification with 50° FOV, it'll be a lot of work nudging a dob. In my dob, I prefer around 65-70° at least at that power.

I could look at maybe a 5mm baader hyperion, although sadly I'd have to go straight to 240x or only improve my mag at 150x with that option, but they are on a sale at the moment for £106.


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