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My new 25 ton 74” Telescope!


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Well not exactly my own but hopefully in the next year I’ll be operating it just as much as my own!. It seem the David Dunlap Observatory located just a 20 minute drive from me needs operators for outreach and community events, as a member of the RASC I have expressed interest in volunteering at the DDO which put me on a list of folks they would like to train as operators working in pairs in order to relieve the current two operators who are exhausted.

For those who are not familiar with the DDO, it was built in 1935 and has a 74” mirror, the mount and scope weigh in at 25 tons and as you may guess it is all moved manually. DDO is now a heritage site and is no longer used for research but is actively used for events and outreach, my first introductory session involved things like literally climbing a ladder into the OTA and removing the lens cover sections which are like slices of a pizza and moving/aligning the scope using big metal wheels like one would see in a WWII submarine. One can really feel the weight of the scope when moving it by hand, it was incredible, clutches at my feet released and locked it once I was done moving it, while standing on a narrow ledge, the feeling of nostalgia was heavy. In the coming months I will dedicate many more such nights until the powers that be decide I am good and well to operate the telescope on my own and with a partner all while hosting public events.

It will be an exciting few months ahead, I’m ecstatic about the whole thing, I must mention that the DDO is astronomical hallowed ground, at this observatory Thomas Bolton first confirmed the existence of black holes, I urge you to read his story as it a fascinating one and fills me with a sense of pride knowing it happened at the DDO so close to where I live, let alone the fact that I have been given the chance to tell the story to others while operating this fascinating instrument. Of all the things I had to remember that first night and the things I was given a chance to do, the most memorable by far was when I was standing up on the mount on a narrow ledge just barely wide enough for my feet while turning a roughly 18” diameter wheel and feeling the equatorial mount and OTA sway. It  was astounding to me, that I was moving the telescope and watching the end of the OTA move relative to the dome shutters was mind blowing.





Edited by Sunshine
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4 minutes ago, markse68 said:

What a fantastic opportunity! Do you think you’ll get a chance to point it at things of your choice too out of hours?


May just be! , on that first night we pointed to the moon, Jupiter and Uranus using the setting circles which are literally many feet in diameter lol. there is an eyepiece which is original to the telescope and the DDO also had a second eyepiece custom made from a fellow in the U.S. sadly, seeing was horrible and the mirror needs a cleaning, badly, that is in the works.

Edited by Sunshine
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Thank you all! i imagine a swank public event like some sort of fund raiser, there I am moving the telescope wearing a lab coat 😂 it will happen if it’s the last thing I do, One day that image I will post here on this thread 🤣

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4 minutes ago, maw lod qan said:

Congratulations! Keep feeding us poor souls with a 20lb 8" reflector information on this journey you are embarking on.

And I forgot to mention, I am jealous!

Thanks! technically it is a grab and go, I grabbed the wheel and it went! 😂 

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