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Question about de-rotation software?

Nigella Bryant

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Hi all, this has probably been asked before but I have a question about using de-rotation software from planetary imaging. Do you apply wavelets before de-rotation or after? Sorry for the question I've only just got to imaging Jupiter this October and produced one image so far but not that brilliant so I've taken a number of images over several mins of 2min intervals. So i'm hoping I'll be able to de-rotate them. Also do you use autostakker first which is what I've done with the following image. This is just my second effort. Thanks for any help. Attached is one of the ten processed images in autostakker with wavelets applied. 



Edited by Nigella Bryant
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I have always adjusted my waveletts before de-rotating. I am not sure if that its the done thing but I get my best results that way. 

So I do all my stacking in AS3, then do my wavelets, RGB Balance and histogram adjustments in Registax and I then bring all those images in WinJUPOS. 

With the de-rotated image I will bring back in to Regi see of any - very fine - tweaks can bring out more detail, then its off to GIMP or PS to adjust saturation. 

Hope that helps but I am sure some of the highly experience folk here will give you better advice, this is what works for me. 

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4 minutes ago, Simon128D said:

I have always adjusted my waveletts before de-rotating. I am not sure if that its the done thing but I get my best results that way. 

So I do all my stacking in AS3, then do my wavelets, RGB Balance and histogram adjustments in Registax and I then bring all those images in WinJUPOS. 

With the de-rotated image I will bring back in to Regi see of any - very fine - tweaks can bring out more detail, then its off to GIMP or PS to adjust saturation. 

Hope that helps but I am sure some of the highly experience folk here will give you better advice, this is what works for me. 

Thanks Simon, much appreciated. 

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On 03/11/2022 at 17:10, Nigella Bryant said:

Hi all, this has probably been asked before but I have a question about using de-rotation software from planetary imaging. Do you apply wavelets before de-rotation or after? Sorry for the question I've only just got to imaging Jupiter this October and produced one image so far but not that brilliant so I've taken a number of images over several mins of 2min intervals. So i'm hoping I'll be able to de-rotate them. Also do you use autostakker first which is what I've done with the following image. This is just my second effort. Thanks for any help. Attached is one of the ten processed images in autostakker with wavelets applied. 



Hi Nigella,

I guess it’s an ‘it depends’, question. If de-rotating the SER/AVI then that will be unsharpened, though you may use a sharpened image as a reference frame. If I’m stacking each SER first, eg via AS3!, then yes I will sharpen with wavelets in Regustax, but I’ll hold back a bit to leave something on the table, so that I can take the de-rotated stack out of WinJupos, back into Registax for a final tweak. I think WinJupos handles a lightly sharpened TIFF better than unsharpened, but don’t overdo it as that could introduce artefacts that WinJupos  might treat as real features.

Nice Jupiter image BTW.

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13 minutes ago, geoflewis said:

Hi Nigella,

I guess it’s an ‘it depends’, question. If de-rotating the SER/AVI then that will be unsharpened, though you may use a sharpened image as a reference frame. If I’m stacking each SER first, eg via AS3!, then yes I will sharpen with wavelets in Regustax, but I’ll hold back a bit to leave something on the table, so that I can take the de-rotated stack out of WinJupos, back into Registax for a final tweak. I think WinJupos handles a lightly sharpened TIFF better than unsharpened, but don’t overdo it as that could introduce artefacts that WinJupos  might treat as real features.

Nice Jupiter image BTW.

THANKS geoflewis, much appreciated. I'm going to have a go tomorrow using WinJupos. 

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And just to throw a spanner in the works ive added 3 images together in winjupos image de rotation. unsharpened straight out of AS/3 and it seemed to work fine. Which surprised me. Not saying its the best way but it did work. 

Had a tweak




Edited by neil phillips
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I’ve always sharpened my stacked tiffs first, mainly because I find it easier to place the image measurement outline frame around the planet on sharpened images, and an accurate measurement is critical for image derotation. 


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