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Dew heater strap, inside or outside of carbon refractor dew shield?

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I'm looking at the lynx astro drew straps (0.8 or 1a  at 12v depending on size I need) and wondering if I need to put them on the inside or outside of the dew shield.

There's a pretty big gap between the dew shield and the lens cell, so I don't know if I need the heaters on the cell inside the shield or on the outside of the shield near the cell when the shield is extended?

It's an easier choice for the guidescope because the dew shield is metal and already connected to the lens cell, but the main telescope is a bit confusing to me. Especially since the type of carbon fiber it's made of feels like an insulating plastic more than a conductive metal.

Do i need to worry, can I just strap it to the outside of the shield? How does yours work? It regularly gets to 80 or even 90% RH so even my newtonian primary and secondary got wet this summer.


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The dew heater should go on the dewshield outside so it transfers heat into the shield.

You just want the air trapped in the shield a degree or two above the dewpoint.

Putting it inside may cause it to show heat waves. 

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