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Initial Framing & Exposure

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Not sure if i have worded this correctly, but when i seek to image the milky way core for instance i set a high ISO and short exposure, just to centre the shot etc.

But this is my initial venture into DSO, Orion, Andromeda etc.

I am using a 6D, Samyang 135mm, Star Adventurer ii, what is the suggested process to ensure i am in fact imaging the correct object?

Is plate solving really my only option to be certain? Am trying to make it idiot proof.

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Plate solving is a pretty foolproof way of making sure you have the right field, if you are using a laptop or equivalent on-site. That said, the objects you mention are all pretty bright so your high iso/short exposure system will probably show them. It's when you get onto fainter objects that plate-solving becomes absolutely invaluable - it saves you having to do the same job manually by comparing what you have with a star map. In the UK we get little enough imaging time, so anything that speeds up the preparation time is worth doing. Bottom line: practice plate solving in the field now and it will pay ongoing dividends as you progress in the hobby.

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23 hours ago, Demonperformer said:

Plate solving is a pretty foolproof way of making sure you have the right field, if you are using a laptop or equivalent on-site. That said, the objects you mention are all pretty bright so your high iso/short exposure system will probably show them. It's when you get onto fainter objects that plate-solving becomes absolutely invaluable - it saves you having to do the same job manually by comparing what you have with a star map. In the UK we get little enough imaging time, so anything that speeds up the preparation time is worth doing. Bottom line: practice plate solving in the field now and it will pay ongoing dividends as you progress in the hobby.

Many thanks for the reply, i am fairly familiar with the known and some of the lesser known constellations. I do have Sky Walk and Sky Safari as well as a few others including Stellarium. I can star hop to a degree, most recently when i was watching for the Draconids meteor shower. I do also have a green laser pointer mounted in the hot shoe and thats an added bonus.

Agree with what you say about the objects i mentioned, i have yet to put Stellarium on my PC, but is there an app that will show what my focal length will capture, sure i have seen as such for Staellarium (appears like a rectangle on the night image?)

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52 minutes ago, John Wick said:

Agree with what you say about the objects i mentioned, i have yet to put Stellarium on my PC, but is there an app that will show what my focal length will capture, sure i have seen as such for Staellarium (appears like a rectangle on the night image?)

Stellarium on the PC will do exactly that.  Ensure the Oculars plugin is activated and there will be small window - top right corner in mine - that lets you set up your camera, lens etc. 


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