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Iris Nebula


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I have wanted to do this Neb for a while and with the cutting down of the tree at the bottom of my garden I finally have a good view of it. The image was taken over 2 nights both of which was interrupted by cloud. The image doesnt stand up to very a very close look as I had to push the data more than I would have liked ( Will add more data at the next clear night to see if i can control the noise better ).

To the boring stuff. 85 x 120s subs taken with my ASI 2600mc through my Askar 400 with no filter.


c and c welcome.

Thanks for looking.

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20 minutes ago, simmo39 said:

c and c welcome.

Nothing to criticise here - I think it's very good indeed - I love the framing, the dusty stuff and the understated colour.

That said  I think it has a little more to offer but this is a very personal thing so feel free to ignore :)




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18 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

Nothing to criticise here - I think it's very good indeed - I love the framing, the dusty stuff and the understated colour.

That said  I think it has a little more to offer but this is a very personal thing so feel free to ignore :)




That's does look better, I have pushed the data on a later version but felt the noise had gone to far. What did you do to the data? 

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12 minutes ago, simmo39 said:

What did you do to the data? 

I used SCNR to remove green. I then inverted the image and used SCNR again to remove magenta - which has the side effect of improving the blue.

I then used HistogramStretch to align the red, green and blue histograms; because this was a .jpg and I guess resampled using HT introduced artefacts but gave a better overall colour balance - to my eyes.

I also used HT to pull the black-point in a little but no where near the point where any clipping was starting to take place; if I'd gone any further dark stuff would have started to disappear.

I then used the DarkStructureEnhance script in PI to lift the dark stuff - it had a very small effect as it turns out.

I didn't do any additional stretching or any colour saturation or enhancement - no Curves of anything else - very little really.

Hope this helps.


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14 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

I used SCNR to remove green. I then inverted the image and used SCNR again to remove magenta - which has the side effect of improving the blue.

I then used HistogramStretch to align the red, green and blue histograms; because this was a .jpg and I guess resampled using HT introduced artefacts but gave a better overall colour balance - to my eyes.

I also used HT to pull the black-point in a little but no where near the point where any clipping was starting to take place; if I'd gone any further dark stuff would have started to disappear.

I then used the DarkStructureEnhance script in PI to lift the dark stuff - it had a very small effect as it turns out.

I didn't do any additional stretching or any colour saturation or enhancement - no Curves of anything else - very little really.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for that I will give that try when I get home.

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3 minutes ago, simmo39 said:

Ok, here is my attempt at following Adrians work flow ( thanks Adrian, would never have worked out how you did that ) to get extra detail.

I am pleased to have been able to help.

I think it looks great - I love seeing these targets in context and the 'dusty stuff' looks really good - it enhances the Iris and doesn't detract from the star of the show.


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