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Saw Saturn for first time

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I am sooo happy! I saw Saturn on March 27 for the first time. Was not sure it actually WAS Saturn until I saw the ring around it. It was blumming cold outside -14C and I could not stay out long. I had some trouble getting a clear view using 20mm and 9mm. Should I buy a 32mm plossl EP? I found that I had a hard time with my EPs. It seemed that mye eyelashes were in the way.

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Thanks son, what are DSOs? What is a 32mm good for? Should I get filters?

DSO's = deep sky objects such as galaxies, clusters, nebulae etc.

A 32mm eyepiece gives low power views which are useful for viewing these sorts of objects.

If you suffer from light pollution where you observe some filters can help with that and some can help bring out more details on planets. In general their effects are very subtle though.


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Hey, I saw Saturn for the first time on march 29th!

It was a cloudy night, and I could only identify 2 stars from Leo, so I thought it was hopeless, I wouldn't find Saturn. So I pointed my scope to the Orion Nebula, and then to Sirius.

After some time I was bored, and there was some clear skies to my east, then I pointed the telescope to what I thought was one of Leo's stars, and when I look at the eyepiece, big surprise! It was Saturn!

I couldn't believe how lucky I was!

But the weather isn't helping here in Sao Paulo. Since I bought the telescope we didn't get one single night with clear sky.

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