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Jupiter 091122


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Nice shot, tons of detail there, la Palma clearly has it’s atmospheric benefits! More frames in the stack would help with the noise, have you tried winjupos at all? It’s a game changer for Jupiter imaging 

Edited by CraigT82
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4 hours ago, Glasspusher said:

Thanks Craig. Been here a few days now and the seeing is very variable, last night was particularly bad so no imaging possible. Winjupos is something I need to catch up with, I am just coming back to planetary imaging after a break!

Nice Shot John. As Craig said winjupos is worth the effort. Either image or video de rotation. Though. to get more frames quickly. just capture for 3 minuets. Or even two if you're unsure

As a straight non winjupos capture. If stacked on AS/3 the rotation is dealt with quite effectively. I am guessing you was thinking about rotation. when capturing. But because of the way AS/3 (not registax ) works. you won't get any rotation blur at two (very little at 3) mins Using AS/3

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