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Anyone tried using PixInsight AutoIntegrate.js Processing Script ?

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Just came across this SCRIPT while Googling, can't say I had seen it before.

Basically it sort of looks along the lines of WBPP but reports that it can do all the processing from the initial lights, darks & flats through to final image.
I was very sceptical but thought I would download and let it do its thing on a computer whilst I got on with other things.

There are a host of possibilities you can setup, far too many to list so on the face of it seems quite complicated, however, undeterred I added just 3 NB already preprocessed images (pre processed in WBPP) and flicked through the options and ticked a few boxes, really I did not pay much attention to what I was doing as I thought it would not yield great results without putting a lot of effort into selecting all the right options.
Then I pressed run and well in not too long a time (42 minutes) a SHO image was on my desktop and to be honest it had done a pretty good job.

image.png.645af394b322ad3196e6a0a33b6014ca.png image.png.d6133be11f24e1bf74ec13709db0d254.png

Left is the autogenerated image and right is one I did earlier.

So for a load files up and let it go script I think looks promising.

  • In all fairness I have not studied all the options or read any instructions so it is probably capable of much better images.
  • It is supposedly capable of RGB, LRGB and various NB paletes.
  • One great aspect of this is it has a preview window to see the image developing as it runs various processes.
  • It seems to allow the use of pretty recent new processes such as NoiseXT, StarXT.
  • I did load up 3 already calibrated images, calibrated in the fantastic WBPP so not yet tried loading raw files but I do not see why this also would not work (it may even use WBPP to do the pre-processing)
  • Also I admit the image I processed may not be the best and is not my final image.
  • I am not saying this is the way to go or in fact is for everybody as many enjoy the processing and of course you have much more control as you go through all the steps to enhance or tweak things, But it does have some very good uses :-
    • It seems a real quick way to put some images together to see what your data is capable of and could be done all autonomously with very little input from yourself so maybe you can get an image in the morning after a session and a good indicator to see how good the data is.
    • For those learning PI it is a great way to get a RGB image without much effort and at least see what their data is capable of and then they can maybe do it themselves and try to improve on the autogenerated image.
    • I guess for those that love imaging but hate processing (and I think there are a few) then this at least may get them half decent images without too much pain.

Anyway I cannot comment too much as I say I did not give it too much thought but it is certainly a script I will be experimenting with, but maybe not use for final images just an initial process to get an idea of the datas capabilities.


Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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