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Highly portable EEA device


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Hi guys I would like to share with you a project I have started several months ago which I called the Astrowl Box.

To explain the historic of this project, I must say that I am doing astronomy nearly exclusively visualy.

I had used lot of different scopes  : Dobson (18"), big refractors (150 to 180mm of aperture), small refractors, Mak Newton, Maksutov, SC, unusual optical system (Clavius 166), and so on... But never find the right instrument, sometimes I have aperture fever and sometimes I want portable system.

However I always had this frustration not to be able to see deep sky objects with great details, colors, ...., and even in dark sites with large aperture looking at faint nebulae, galaxies was a bit frustrating (gray cloud).

That's why I was interested by new products like Unistellar or Vianis scopes. I tested one eVscope for several months and it was a great pleasure and easy to use. But as experienced user, I already had my own materials and scopes and it was a bit frustrating not to benefit of my large aperture scope to get the full benefits of the CMOS sensitivity.

That's why I decide to work on a project where I could get same functionalities but in a very portable system (don't want to bring big camera, computer, big power tank, table, chairs, ....) and continue to use my own astronomy materials and scopes.

It takes me nearly one year to get a fully functionnal item and I am very pleased to show you what it looks like and see what you can do with it.

So what is exactly Astrowl Box ?

It is a very portable system using a very sensitive IMX462 sensor, integrated a 4" display and manage lots of realtime imaging processing. You connect through wifi (using a browser) to the Astrowl box and can change lot of parameters to be able to catch sky objects. With attached pictures you will see what the box looks like, what the browser interface looks like and some samples of sky objects.

There are two main modes : live and stacking.

In live mode you can modify camera parameters and get up to 15 sec of exposure. You see in realtime deep sky objects, you can change gain, saturation, contrast, ... The Astrowl box performs also very well on planetary as you can see on attached pictures. Some pictures are taken with a 100mm apo refractor, some with a 200m newton.

In stacking mode, you will get the best of the Astrowl box, you will stack pictures, virtually getting more and more long exposure, benefit from autoaligning frames, applying some filters (sharpen, denoise, ...) and even increasing red, green or blue stack.

And at least you can save on the Astrowl Box the live or stacking pictures you can see on the 4" display and download them. 

The Astrowl box prototype is packaged in a 3D printed plastic box.

My attached pictures were taken under a very light polluted sky and with a not so good tracking precision. Some are coming from other Astrowl box users. You can see discussions on Cloudynights about this box and feedbacks from other users.

I am working hard to improve the software installed in the box and continue to deliver new version on regular basis.
















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Interesting as a diy kit perhaps but for a more wider audience I think an option to polar align and platesolve would be needed. I did not add guiding to that list of requirements as I understand this is aimed at the EEA users.

If this is Rpi based then it's a tough time as they are a bit scarse at present.

But if this was in a 'as sold in shop' finished state I think you would get more attention that you have so far which is a shame given the work put into it.


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This is not a diy kit, the purpose is first to send few prototypes to people who are interested to get one and receive feedbacks, before deciding what is next step (maybe a commercial version, not yet decided). I have already sent 4 boxes to USA and 7 to France, Germany and Belgium. 

I got very good feedbacks on what people are able to do with the prototype, which is already fully functionnal as previous pictures done can show you. One important point is you can get good results on DSO and planetary. 

There is also an article about the Astrowl box in september issue of french astronomy newspaper 'Astrosurf' .

I continue to work hard on the software and release new versions on regular basis.

There are lots of functionalities I could add to make it easier and funnier to use, like plate solving, some people suggest auto guiding, ...

Maybe it will come in future releases, but some ideas are beyond my competencies. And you can already access to lot of targets that are easy to center in an eyepiece using goto of your mount. Then by increasing the exposure in live view you can get very impressive view of globular clusters, nebulae and galaxies (as you can see in some of posted pictures which are taken in Live view). Switching to stack view will increase faint details, sharpen the image, darken the background, vanish noise, ...

So if some of you are interested to get a prototype version don't hesitate to contact me.  

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Sorry if my comments gave the impression that this was a diy kit.  I was trying to convey that a commercial product would really need the PA & platesolve options (as well as the production case). And by commercial do you mean as a direct selling site like Deepskydad or sold by dealers?

Platesolving is possible without an internet connection nowadays as is Polar alignment (just look at Sharpcap)

I would see you nearest competition as a Stellarmate setup, as that would have the PA, Platesolving & stacking on the Rpi but using a mobile phone or ipad screen.

Good luck with the Astrowl - hope to enjoy seeing it's progress here on SGL.



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Outstanding. With PA and plate solving you have a Uninstaller capability that can be  can be mated to existing telescopes. This would be great for outreach with schools, groups and the like.  Definitely commercial potential; have you thought about crowd funding or is that too early at the moment?


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Thanks @saac, you are right, I am an old owner of eVscope and one of the reason I started this project was to have similar functionalities but be able to use it on any telescopes. So at present I don't know yet what will be nexst step. I still have to work on improvements on software and box. One important point is to have a fast and precise auto align frame algorithm. I already have excellent results as you can see on sample stack pictures. It is not astrophotography of course, but the purpose is to see objects and details hard or impossible to see with unaided eyes through standard eyepiece and nearly as easy to setup as a simple eyepiece. 

I am working on the next release which will offer a fast and really precise auto align algo for DSO.

@StevieDvd, you are right, a better case well finished would be more attractive, but it is still a proto commercial project and at present I just propose to send few prototypes to interested users to get feedbacks. And then I will see what will be next step. I already have shipped several boxes and have very encouraging feedbacks.

If you are interested to get one, please contact me  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys, just to let you know that I have added a new useful functionnality to the Astrowl box software. It is now possible to also display on the user interface the frame displayed on the 4" internal screen of the box. It is not a live streaming, interface auto refresh every 5 seconds and you can also force refresh by clicking on the 'Reload View' button.

This functionnality can be useful if you want to share on bigger screen with other people the live view or stack view of the Astrowl box. 

Sans titre.jpg

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Congratulations! Just the kind of self contained EAA that could reach a big market, but having a small one is very good.

Is the power source an internal rechargeable? No wires is so attractive. I have a Watec and video monitor but it still needs wires. May pm you about one, but I am rather IT unexpert. Is it simple?

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10 minutes ago, Stephenstargazer said:

Congratulations! Just the kind of self contained EAA that could reach a big market, but having a small one is very good.

Is the power source an internal rechargeable? No wires is so attractive. I have a Watec and video monitor but it still needs wires. May pm you about one, but I am rather IT unexpert. Is it simple?

Based on the info above and on cloudynights. It's an Rpi4 based device and is powered by an external powerpack (see the images above). If this had been around when I tried video camera to PC demo (using a Samsung CCTV to integrate) to display an image it would have been heaven sent.

I can see its usage for some but it's a niche market. It's selling point will be the software - not open source but locked in like ZWO have done. But in saying that the ZWO Asiair devices (also Rpi base) have done pretty well.

And yes it would be targetted as the IT unexpert 😀

If it did polar alignment I would have asked to test it out in a heartbeat.




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2 minutes ago, Stephenstargazer said:

Can see power wire now. USB  power can be quite small. I said IT numpty, so what device needed to provide a web interface?

It typically uses a mobile device (via wifi) to enter the settings and view/save images (as a secondary usage).  That should mean a phone, tablet or laptop via a browser.

Though I consider myself a techie - the hardware and wifi control I could do, but the software would be beyond me.🙃

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Hi guys thanks for your comments.

It is still a prototype but I have already sent several Astrowl boxes to beta testers in several countries and regarding feedbacks they have fun with it (I just would like them to post a little bit more, for good or bad experiences). The prototype is fully functionnal and offers lot of functionalities. There was also an article in french astronomy newpaper Astrosurf in september issue.

The main idea is to onboard EAA functionalities in a small and really portable box (live view, stack view with autoalign frames, save images, modify camera parameters, share live image on other devices, ...), install it quickly in place of eyepiece and make it work in less than one minute.

A new box with a more professional design is also under construction and should be ready in few days.

A rechargeable battery include in the box would be a very nice feature. I have already thought about it but I have other tasks before working on this point.

I am also thinking about adding plate solving and polar align, but... still need to learn, it is not small developments.


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OK, now that my understanding is better thanks to @StevieDvd and @Astrowl I shall make some comment for @Astrowl . Please correct any misunderstandings!

I have AZ and EQ mounts that track and go to sufficient for EAA. I am used to finding objects, or their location, even if  hard to see. I would personally not benefit from plate solving or polar or telescope control, but want a focus aid . My main goal is to have better LiveViewing in deteriorating skies, without much in the way of connections. Portability and simplicity is very important to me, the less bits to join up or understand the better.🙂

If I need a mobile device for control , than the 4" screen has limitted value. Except for starting up (?) I would prefer to view on a bigger tablet provided that is reasonably fast to refresh. In fact for axial scopes (non Newtonian) the 4" screen position may be just too awkward. ( Note - I use a flip mirror for analogue video EAA, with a wider eyepiece on the diagonal for finding and centering., so the camera remains in the axial direction. Unless I use an expensive turret!)

If I buy say, an ASiair device I am getting, for me,  redundant features and display data, but with a wider choice of cameras. All at a cost. My battery power for the mounts has  USB outlets so even the power distribution is unneccesary. I have absolutely  no ambition to  proper astro photography, but snaps are nice. So an ASiair is overkill. I have an aversion to lap tops by the scope, they just get in the way.

So my ideal is a modern sensitive low noise CMOS camera with simplified controls (at least as an option), live stacking, rotation and built in (reliable) wifi to control and view on a mobile device of my choice. Which I can then  hold or mount where it suits me. For me the less involvement with software the better, and the biggest image possible (full screen?) on my screen please, for sharing.

Seems to me the Astrowl is headed about where I want to be ? Must check what my fovs will be with IIMX 462,  and various focal reducers, or extenders, in my scopes. 

PS I have looked at the Evascope et al, but I have enough conventional kit already and believe different scopes are needed for different jobs.



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For focusing you could use a similar magnification eyepiece and a parfocal ring.  You could then 'match' the eyepice & camera device focus so they are interchangeable without re-focussing. To help this a bahtinov mask would let you get a pin sharp star in focus in the astrowl camera, then you'd adjust the parfocal ring on the eyepiece until it too was in sharp focus.  That would be useful on any scope, though of course if you used a bahtinov mask for them too a parfocal eyepiece may not be needed.

@Astrowl I may have missed it but what is the equivalent eyepiece to the Astrowl that would help people work out what they would see using the freely available field of view tools.


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On 26/10/2022 at 23:58, Stephenstargazer said:

but want a focus aid

@Stephenstargazer To help you focus there are two ways. First you can use the Magnify option on the Astrowl box which will display on the onboard screen a small square inside where the image is magnify x3. Second way, you can zoom the image display on your phone (or tablet or pc) from the Astrowl user interface (which runs from web browser).

The advantage of Astrowl box above Asiair is it includes everything in one box (camera, wifi, post processing images, screen, need small external battery...). WIth Asiair, you also need to add a camera, display can only be done on external screen, some cables and  when setup is installed is not really to switch to an eyepiece.

In my opinion displaying image on the onboard screen of the Astrowl box is really important : you can immediatly see the result of settings modification on the image, and you do not spend your night looking at your smartphone. Maybe you think that looking at the onboard screen or at your smartphone is the same and for me it is not. However with the last release it is possible to do both (see image on onboard screen or on your smartphone , pc, tablet, ...


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On 27/10/2022 at 09:46, StevieDvd said:

what is the equivalent eyepiece

The sensor diagonal is 6.46mm, about 5.6 X 3.15. Consider an eyepiece with about a 6mm field stop. (Slightly less than an 8mm plossl 50deg , slighly more than 5mm WA 65deg.)

With 0.7 fr and my 60mm f/5.9 that gives 1d 20' fov

With 0.7 fr the 100mm f/7.4 that gives 0d 40' fov

With my 200mm f/9 that gives 0d 11' fov

(Just bear in mind it is a 16:9 field, my video camera is 4:3 and 50% wider. Eyepieces are a circle 🙃. An obsrvation not criticism, it's a useful sensor )

PS  MUCH EASIER! Go on FLO site and put an ASI 462MC in the FoV comparator, same sensor 😁😁😁

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys just to let you know that the astrowl box prototype is now available with a brand new case which allows to screw T2 adapter, so now compatible with lot of astro accessories like corrector, eyepiece projector, ... The last software release also improves the autoalign frames algorithms and include a light pollution corrector.

Feel free to contact me to get one the last prototype.




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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Hi, attached is a snapshot of M3 done a few days ago with the Astrowlbox and the near full moon in the sky.

I also take advantage of this post to announce that the project is taking a new dimension with finally a dedicated website and an official launch: http://www.astrowlbox.com

You will find on this site several information and information on the operation of the box, including the user manual which will allow you to know in detail the functionalities of the box.

Picture made with an Intes M703 scope, using around 40 stacks of 1.5 sec each and a deconvolution Wiener (all this processing were done with the Astrowlbox).


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Nice Snapshot and would look that good live. Excellent news about website - added to my favourites!

I have an Astrowl now and find it easy to use, so nice to just connect a power bank and off you go. Simple controls which are genuinely intuitive on the tablet/phone and the picture on the Box just like an eyepiece. Definitely good for anyone with ageing eyes (floaters or glasses) and wanting to avoid a laptop.

My initial use was quite restricted as my equatorial tracking mount got sold. However I found that it would work with non tracking.mounts with smaller scopes (up to 500mm fl) and even would stack 20-30 frames - helps to align the frame with direction of drift, as you will lose the leading edge. This phase has let me establish best arrangements for being close to parfocal with eyepieces, and fitting in filters (IR cut essential). I did some daylight testing to get familiar.

I now have a tracking alt-az mount again and can get going on more ambitious work such as galaxies - which are all but smudges in my sky. Just to see how I could focus better (now tracking) took this of M35 with 60mm scope, to fit in frame, so probably underexposed? All settings were default Star Field, stack view. 2 buttons, no fiddling around, this is what you see at the scope - significantly more than an eyepiece in my sky, comparable to a larger scope. Early days but  see the Astrowl as a way to keep deep sky observing going, alongside eyepieces and binoviewer for brighter objects. 



I should also add that Arnaud is great to deal with and his continuous improvements to the firmware have all been worthwhile and actually work! I have no idea  what deconvolution does, but only have to press a button to do it. (Actually the Manual does tell me and is an example for bigger enterprises. Do have a look.)



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5 hours ago, Stephenstargazer said:

took this of M35 with 60mm scope, to fit in frame, so probably underexposed? All settings were default Star Field, stack view.

Thanks Stephen, here is my advice to improve view of your M35 (and any other targets). From 'Star Field' mode switch to 'Expert Mode', then increase 'Gain' to 100, and exposure to 1500 or more to start, use 'Smart Sharpen' filter and increase 'Nb Stack' to 50 or 60, and let me now what results you have. Using 'Expert Mode' is the best way to get the most of Astrowl Box.

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Thanks @Astrowl will try that next opportunity and with a larger scope too. Have loaded up the latest software 1.13b and that brings my Astrowl Box up to date with the User Manual on the website. Brings some useful new features.

Interesting to see that the anticipated SeeStar S50 also chooses the sensitive IMX462 sensor (IR cut built in?), but only with a 250mm fl objective of course. That might seem a bit limiting once the initial enjoyment has worn off?  With a fairly large FoV of 1.28 x 0.72 deg forget planets and many DSO. Perhaps it is  a forerunner for something bigger? But certainly a challenge to other 'auto-scopes'


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