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Using Stellarium & EQMOD for star alignment....Help !!

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Hi Folks,

I am trying to get to grips with star alignment using Stellarium driving EQMOD. I'm using the simulator to un derstand teh steps involved but have hit a cpouple of snags.

So far, I can use the simulator and can get Stellarium slew to my first alaignment star. But at this point I cannot get any response from the EQMOD NSEW buttons to test out fine tuning the slew. Also if I press Sync nothing happens ie no alignment point is created. I think I must have some parameter incorrectly ticked / not ticked but I'm blowed oif I can see it.  The videos I have watched all make it look simple. I would be very grateful if anyone can give me some advice to help me work this out. Many thanks in advance 😉


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One of the first things I check if nothing seems to move is the tracking rate of the mount. After that, can't really offer any thoughts as I still tend to star align with the handset at the mount. HTH.

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