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What you don't want to see when out 'nightscaping'...

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Went over to Kelling last weekend for the first time since 2018. Weatherwise it was 'gappy' on the Friday and Saturday nights.  Dob users were happy moving from gap to gap in the clouds, imagers were probably, well, not imagers (though I have seen some impressive images folk managed to get somehow). 

I tried a time-lapse from Kelling Halt looking north, set it up, left it running then went to see how @davew was doing with his efforts to take an image next to the pond about 100 yards away... without falling into it - rather well methinks:  https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/400434-kelling-fish-pond/ 

Not much later the sky covering up with clouds prompted a fast run (well, OK, a brisk walk) back to my camera to cover it up... just in time as it shortly started bucketing!! I've attached a rapidly done timelapse below... if you can't see it there's also an image from it below :) 






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Great shots, and using a camera in this way it is good to see what we were having to contend with.  Over a whole week I only managed 7 subs of 10 mins on one night and 1 x 10 minute sub and 1 x 5 minute sub on the Saturday when the heavens opened up.  Luckily I had seen the clouds and decided to cover up my rig with a scope cover, but my laptop was still out cooling the camera and my camping obsy was still uncovered.  So I was charging around like a Blue ***** fly trying to cover everything up.  As I am sure everyone else was.

We were booked until Tuesday, but after this we decided to pack up on Sunday and went home on Monday as no sign of it clearing. 

Are there really all those  lights along the coast/in the north sea?


Edited by carastro
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I was texting someone on the campsite who was frantically getting a cover on over a scope when the same rain hit them.. :) From the fact they were texting back my guess is they had someone do it for them ;) 

The red lights are from the wind turbines out to sea. They're more prominent on camera than they are to the eye, but they are visible.. and stretch further to the right. Whilst initially horrified at the thought of them it does add a bit of colour.


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1 minute ago, James said:

I was texting someone on the campsite who was frantically getting a cover on over a scope when the same rain hit them.. :) From the fact they were texting back my guess is they had someone do it for them ;) 

The red lights are from the wind turbines out to sea. They're more prominent on camera than they are to the eye, but they are visible.. and stretch further to the right. Whilst initially horrified at the thought of them it does add a bit of colour.


Thanks I wondered whether that was the case.

I was sharing a caravan with Teoria, who was inside looking at his laptop remotely and suddenly heard the rain on the roof of the caravan and he charged out with no coat not knowing whether to cover his electrics or his rig up first.


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