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A processing tutorial - feedback appreciated.

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Hi chaps,

I'm considering starting some videos on astro stuff - mainly editing/processing.

This is a sort of beta of a beta.

sounds bad, minimum video editing, mistakes left in.

Using APP, Siril, Affinity Photo and plugin. NOT PI.

the main goals from my vids I want are for folk beginning to see it's not so hard and get stuck in, while at the same time not skipping steps, having it 'as is' and not some sort of straight through process with nothing being tried and reverted - this is a biggy to me as all videos show a person doing a,b,c,d and voila! Not a,b,c, undo c. try d. nope, try d again with different setting, etc.

I think that's a more natural way we all process. Certainly the way I do.

And, no speaking slowly and going though stuff at a snail's pace - real time.

So - that's the goals I don't want to change.

I'm interested in feedback really to decide if there is an interest and what I can do (keeping goals in mind) to make it better before launching the channel.

any feedback greatly appreciated. Is this something you'd subscribe to and watch?



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Very good of you to take the time and trouble to give a course in 'whatever it is' 🙂 . I am sure that it (being something or other to do with computer images) will generate a lot of interest within those that have a passion for such things 🙂 

Good luck with the courses.

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It's refreshing to see a non PI workflow tutorial especially with a dark target which are usually the troublesome ones. A lot of what you're doing in Affinity is also applicable to PS and GIMP as they work similarly.

It's natural showing the trouble shooting periods but I think it will be more refined if you go through it a few times, then record it once you've got the workflow down to a tee, this will also cut down on the video time making it more likely to be watched. You could always include the trail and error parts and put them into chapters so the choice to skip onto the next step is present in the video. A short explanation of why you're doing stuff/using tools will also help someone not familiar (eg star highlight selection, why we expand and then feather the selection).

I thought it was quite a clear video, but everyone's skillset and ability to use a computer is different.

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I have just watched a good part of it (stopped after a while as I don't use it myself) and I would say my one criticism, and it is one I have with a lot of tutorials so don't take this the wrong way, slow it down a little.

When you are clicking something even though it is obvious to you, it might not be obvious to the person watching if they, like me have never used the programme before. Overall though decent effort.

However I will still be keen to see your Siril guide, I use that and always look for tips and pointers. 

Edited by bomberbaz
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I'm looking forward to more of this, I'm a beginner in processing but I have all the applications you are using already installed, I'm particularly pleased to see Affinity there. I bought this some years ago but haven't used it for some time. I've tried to follow James Ritson on Affinity for astrophotography but I find him too fast to follow clearly, while on that note, I agree with Steve above, please slow down a bit and explain your moves more clearly for old duffers like me!


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