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Lovely Autumn Evening observing


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What a lovely Autumn nights observing.


I set up the large dob in the garden yesterday evening on the EQ tracking platform.

All observations were with the 20 inch dob and APM 13mm 100* eyepiece.

Observing using the EQ platform has transformed my observing, allowing me to observe with higher magnification for longer without objects drifting out of the field of view.

I first turned the scope to M13, Globular cluster in Hercules. A wonderful sight with endless chains of stars radiating outwards, stars resolved to the core and the propeller easily visible.

M15, Globular cluster in Pegasus was next up. Again a lovely sight, a very bright core in this globular with stars again easily resolved.

I then swung the scope up to M57, the Ring nebula in Lyra. A bright large doughnut with some seemingly ragged edges visible after observing for some time. No central star visible but a lovely sight.

M27, The Dumbbell nebula was very large and bright in the eyepiece, showing the “apple core” shape so commonly mentioned.

Over to M76, the Little Dumbbell, almost peanut shaped in appearance. Quite bright with some variation in brightness across the nebula. No tendrils visible with direct vision, however with averted vision I thought that I could detect hints of them.

NGC 7662, The Blue Snowball was next, quite bright in appearance with a blueish hue to it. There appeared to be a brighter inner ring during my observations and there was some variation in brightness across the disc of the nebula.

NGC 7009, The Saturn nebula, appeared like a bright oval in the eyepiece, again with a green blue hue to it, I could not make out the lobes that extend from either side.

NGC 6543, The Cats eye Nebula appeared bright and again showed some colour. There appeared to be hints of some structure visible. I need to revisit this one and push up the magnification.

The next observation was a first for me. I directed the scope at NGC 7331 in Pegasus, The galaxy was quite bright and I could make our a couple of members of the “Deer Lick Group”. Guided by Stellarium I then moved the scope over and after a few moments of observing and nudging the scope there was Stephens Quintet, very faint and barely visible. I have wanted to observe this for years unsuccessfully so was pleased I finally got it.

I finished off the night with Saturn, lovely sight with subtle banding visible on the disc, and then Jupiter, there was a moon transiting and the inky black dot of a shadow. Some lovely detail was visible as well as the great red spot.

It really was lovely to be out under clear skies again.

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On 25/09/2022 at 21:22, Stu said:

Lovely report @oldfruit, EQ platforms are excellent aren’t they? Must be amazing to observe with such a lovely scope. I assume it is fitted with push to, is that correct?

Thank you, It is fitted with Argo Navis as the scope was modelled on Obsession Telescopes. I have had the scope for a couple of years now and have yet to use it! 

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