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Can anybody please point me in the direction of any tutorials/advice/whatever on how to post to the forum. Self evidently I can but the post in question is a long post and occasionally, doubtless due to user error and a really stupid right index finger, my posts disappear from this continuum before they are even finished. Can you for instance avoid this issue by posting a PDF file OR maybe better still save your work thus far either to finish later or to prevent its possible disappearance. My son says I am an IT MUPPET! 




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If you have a long post, it would be easier writing it in notepad / Word etc first, and then copy / pasting it to the forum, therefore stopping the post from "timing out"?...if that's a thing, also if it's that long, might want to include a brief synopsis ...a "TL:DR" at the bottom 😛

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Thanks for replying - I have tried that - sort of but  it terminally messed up the formatting. In that instance I think the issue was related to the idiosyncrasies caused by using an iPad and iOS which currently cannot seem to even to get pictures in Pages inserted where you want to put them. I mean it used to do so but then an update doubtless came along to further improve the functionality. Shall fire up the Desktop and try again.

Advice much appreciated though.

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@Split Zygote2 I have the same issue too with the iPhone oriPad... in fact any portable device... excluding a laptop!

As per @CKemu says, do draft in 'notepad' or something on a computer laptop/PC, then select 'Paste as plain text'. I find it best to leave out any images until you have the pasted text and any further editing, then insert the images. Just place the cursor/carat where you wish to place the image, then select either:

  • '📎  Drag files to attach, or choose files...' or select 'Other Media' box.
  • opening the 'Other Media' box select either 'Insert existing attachment' or 'Insert image from URL'.

Also, if you wish to edit a post later on, click the symbol ' ... ' [i.e. More options], then select 'edit' - note: older posts and replies to a topic you have posted in after a few months cannot be edited.
Should you do a duplicate reply or posted a reply to the wrong section, then PM an admin/moderator, then they can delete/remove it. Just let them know where to find it. 

Hope this helps. 

Edited by Philip R
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Thank you for your input. I shall have a go. Was thinking of going that route before my question BUT transferring the images I need from my iPad to the laptop is a pain so was trying to go the easy route which sometimes ends up not so.... 

Good to know that others have similar issues with mobile devices, thought it was just my practised incompetence, and the fact that they sense my antipathy!

Thanks again to you both for your time and detailed help.

Edited by Split Zygote2
Added extra thankings and thinkings!
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Hello again.

I forgot to mention earlier that you can 'resize' your images to a smaller size too within SGL and best done on a PC or laptop.
The way you do it is to hover the cursor over the image, then press the the 'CTRL' key + right mouse button together, then click 'Edit Image' from the 'pop-up' box.

Images below of before and after reduced by 50% and 90%...
 PIC044.JPG.54acb21c9b4e6e69cda54fdd37a1defe.JPG <--- original (640x480 pixels).

PIC044.JPG.54acb21c9b4e6e69cda54fdd37a1defe.JPG <--- 50% reduction (320x240 pixels.

PIC044.JPG.54acb21c9b4e6e69cda54fdd37a1defe.JPG <--- 90% reduction (64x48 pixels).

Also, if you click on some images, it may open in a new tab to show the original and if a it is large file, you can zoom in.

Edited by Philip R
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