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Svbony 8-3 zoom


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7 hours ago, Zermelo said:

I've just been emailed by Svbony to say that it's been shipped.

What scope(s) are you intending to use it in Z? Particularly interested in how it would perform in very fast scopes as it might be a high power contender for my ultra light travel kit. 

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4 minutes ago, badhex said:

What scope(s) are you intending to use it in Z? Particularly interested in how it would perform in very fast scopes as it might be a high power contender for my ultra light travel kit. 

In the Skymax 127 it would give me around x190 - x500, so a lot of the time it would be beyond the seeing conditions. Although I use my Nirvana 4mm more often than you'd expect with the Mak.

In the 150/750 Newt it will give about x94 - x250, so I expect it will get more use there. F/5 may challenge the Svbony at the edges, but I'll be using it on a driven mount and I'm mostly interested in the on-axis performance, which is reported to be good.

The main purpose will be doubles, but I'll try it on other small targets.


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15 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

In the Skymax 127 it would give me around x190 - x500, so a lot of the time it would be beyond the seeing conditions. Although I use my Nirvana 4mm more often than you'd expect with the Mak.

In the 150/750 Newt it will give about x94 - x250, so I expect it will get more use there. F/5 may challenge the Svbony at the edges, but I'll be using it on a driven mount and I'm mostly interested in the on-axis performance, which is reported to be good.

The main purpose will be doubles, but I'll try it on other small targets.

Good to know. I read Ernest's report and I always find him to be pretty accurate to my own experiences, but obviously always good to hear first hand reports too so I'll be watching with interest.

Regarding the pronunciation... I am not really sure why one would construct a name from such awkward phonemes unless it were an initialism, but regardless I guess the only option that works sensibly is 'ess vee bony'? 

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42 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

By the way ... how do people pronounce "Svbony"??

You can hear the pronunciation on this Svbony youtube clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdOe3Fvfokw

21 minutes ago, badhex said:

Regarding the pronunciation... I am not really sure why one would construct a name from such awkward phonemes unless it were an initialism, but regardless I guess the only option that works sensibly is 'ess vee bony'? 

I guess it is only difficult for those of us in the western world - Svbony is a Chinese company and its probably just the translation that is awkward for us.

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32 minutes ago, badhex said:

I guess the only option that works sensibly is 'ess vee bony'

That's what I've been saying to myself in my head.


8 minutes ago, Shimrod said:

You can hear the pronunciation on this Svbony youtube clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdOe3Fvfokw

Ah, "sveebonnie" it is then. Unless that has been mangled deliberately for anglophone ears.
I find that clip to be very soporific.


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8 minutes ago, Shimrod said:

You can hear the pronunciation on this Svbony youtube clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdOe3Fvfokw

I guess it is only difficult for those of us in the western world - Svbony is a Chinese company and its probably just the translation that is awkward for us.

Yes for sure, although I believe there is no 'vee' sound in Chinese, at least in Mandarin. Would love for a Chinese speaker to correct if this is not the case. On a side note I would love to learn Mandarin. I think it's beautiful language to listen to. 

I was under the (perhaps mistaken) understanding that the brand name had essentially been created purely for the western market, and only guessed it might be an initialism (I have seen some convoluted explanation of what the letters stand for on the other forum, supposedly from an SVBony rep), so the vee seemed an unusual choice. 

Swee-bony which is roughly how I heard from the video is much easier to pronounce for our Western voices though, so I'm more than happy to go with that!


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I asked John, sales manager at Svbony, how to pronounce it when he contacted me for new product ideas, and he replied: "Regarding the pronunciation of "svbony": "s-v-bony".  He also said "SVBONY is my brand".


Sales manager of Svbony

Whatsapp: +8618703659202


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I always thought the sv was like the sv in svelte, as cajen2 suggests.

Unless it's in Latin, where the v is the same as our short u.

Yes, of course it is a made-up name for westerners.

And, like the crazy drug names, it's almost like someone threw some alphabet blocks in a hat and pulled them out and arranged them.

I can tell you it is very hard to trademark any name these days because so many good names are already trademarked.

Eyepieces from "Svbony" originally had the name "Vite" on the side, but probably interfered with western trademarks and so it changed.

As far as I know, the company is Henan Yisair E-Business Co., Ltd in Shenzen, Fujian, China.

And I believe they only sell direct to consumers, though they have warehouses here and there.


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21 hours ago, Zermelo said:

I've just been emailed by Svbony to say that it's been shipped.

Mine has been shipped too and on its way.

18 hours ago, bosun21 said:

I am looking forward your thoughts on this.

I am too and see how it compares against my TeleVue Nagler zoom. It is going to be an interesting and fun one.

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When the software company I worked at before retiring was bought out we had the name change to Temenos. The new owner was Greek and said it meant a scared place.  Even now some employees pronounce it differently so best not to trust someone who just works for a company!

I worked very closely with the new owner when he took over and he pronounced it TEMM E NOSS, the  head developer would say TERM IN OSS whilst others say TEMM E NOSE.

The former company re-branded the product as it was called the same as the company. So we had an in house competition for the name. The MD (a German) won with the name Globus, which we later learned was a supermarket in Germany!  And at one of our client conferences the hotel where we held it had big posters with Globus blazened across them - however, underneath it said Globus coach tours (nothing to do with us even though our customers wanted more info on the tours).

BTW I say S V Boney

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ahh you folks woulda loved the names of a few folks from the far east I've worked with in the past then, 2 letter names but no vowel, like YT or NG. We typically just called out as if we were saying the letters which they felt was better than us mangling it all up.

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1 hour ago, DaveL59 said:

ahh you folks woulda loved the names of a few folks from the far east I've worked with in the past then, 2 letter names but no vowel, like YT or NG. We typically just called out as if we were saying the letters which they felt was better than us mangling it all up.

In my local supermarket many years past, the cashier's first name was Ng. I politely asked her how she pronounced it.

议员 ...this is the spelling of Ng in 'Chinese Simplified'.

Edited by Philip R
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13 minutes ago, Philip R said:

In my local supermarket many years past, one of the cashier's first names was Ng. I politely asked her how she pronounced it.

议员 ...this is the spelling of Ng in 'Chinese Simplified'.

must admit I did ask the rather enchanting YT but she said is easier to just do the same so as not to confuse everyone else in the office.

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1 hour ago, DaveL59 said:

ahh you folks woulda loved the names of a few folks from the far east I've worked with in the past then, 2 letter names but no vowel, like YT or NG. We typically just called out as if we were saying the letters which they felt was better than us mangling it all up.

I used to work with an Ng several years back.
The company's IT system insisted that names had to have at least three characters, so he had to make something up.
I've seen a few examples of long names being truncated, but that was the only one I've come across that was too short.


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2 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

I used to work with an Ng several years back.
The company's IT system insisted that names had to have at least three characters, so he had to make something up.
I've seen a few examples of long names being truncated, but that was the only one I've come across that was too short.


yep, similar where I was too in fact

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Go to CN across the ocean you will see quite a few very positive yet early test results. Looks like another SvBony winner coming up for a pretty nice price. I would buy one to go with my other 3 SvBony zooms if I did higher power viewing.

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2 minutes ago, Ratlet said:

I blame all of you for the prolonged cloudy weather.  The cloud debt all those eyepieces will accrue will be astronomical.

At one point millions of years ago, there were too many amateur astronomers on Venus.

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