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N.I.n.a. Autofocus setting for Edge800 with x7 reducer and EAF

Geordie mc

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Hi. My autofocus runs with an EAF on an Edge 800 kept failing last night. I kept getting a message saying the change in HFR value was not sufficient and that either my step size was too low or stars were too far out of focus. This started after I installed the Hokus Focus plug in. I tried increasing the step size with no success. I uninstalled Hokus Focus and still no luck. Can anyone with a similar setup give me some suggestions on setting they use successfully in N.I.n.a. please? I spent 3 hours trying everything I could think of to solve this, including different backlash, step size, number of exposures per point, outer crop ratio, etc. 
if I decide to reinstall N.I.n.a. Is there a way to save all my configurations. I use 3 scopes and 2 cameras etc and don’t really want to set everything else up again. 
any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Hi David. Thanks for the response. Unfortunately I’m not getting a V curve to show you. I’ve popped in the last successful run, which wasn’t perfect and why I started trying Hokus Focus. The second shot shows my curve for my TSQ65 scope where I always get a very nice parabolic curve and great HFR.

The focus moves out and I get an HFR for the first exposure. The value depends on my step size but was around 5 - 7. The focus motor moves and I gets value about 2 points lower. Then the third gives a value a point lower against the curve is looking okay and in line with what I get with other scopes. Then when it moves again it says there’s not enough change in the HFR or I’m too far out of focus. It’s clearly not the latter as focus is improving at that point. As for the HFR, I wouldn’t expect much change as it nears the bottom of the curve and it’s always succeeded on other scopes - it even worked on this setup until I tried to improve things with the Hokus Pokus plugin. It’s as though this has done something to the requirements for a successful run which has stayed in place after removing the plugin.

im wondering if it’s a star trail issue as I’m at 1400mm and guiding stops as I use an OAG. I did notice slight trails in the focus subs even at just 3 second exposures. I’m going to do the Pec training for my mount tonight and try an autofocus run near the pole with 2 second exposures. I might try leaving guiding on as well and lowering the step size so PHD2 can keep up. 

I don’t really know why I’m getting trails with very short exposures. My mount is Ona pier. I’ve checked the PA twice and I’m only a couple of seconds off perfect. The mount seems balanced. I can only think that it’s a power issue - this is my heaviest setup on my AZEQ6GT - and I use a large power tank which maybe hasn’t enough grunt, or it’s a PEC issue. 
I’ll take some shots of the run in progress tonight if I can’t get things sorted and report back. Thanks again.





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9 hours ago, Geordie mc said:



I have had similar shape curves to this using Hocus Focus before getting the curves you have in your second image. For me it was down to focuser backlash.  I use the settings below for my SW 200pds. Maybe that helps



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I've not used the hocus focus as yet but looking at your curves  there's a few things that could be worth checking..  first I'd check for slippage, check the grubscrews are on the flat( presumably there's a flat?) Next I'd check your backlash and step count is high enough... Other thing could be passing cloud causing outliners that look like backlash 

Mr patriot astro does some fantastic videos for all things Nina...

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