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The Bears' tail!?

Roy Batty

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Always a bit of a quirk that the Great Bear was given a tail, but hey ho if the stars fit...

Took this to keep my hand in really. It was a bit too windy last night for the scope.. so it attached the DSLR direct to the HEQ5 and with just the 18-55 lense on it was rock solid. The image is a small stack of just 4 subs, but these were all 10min ISO800 ones. No prizes for looking but you can make out M101 and a teeny weeny M51 aahhhh:D




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I agree with Ron. I've studdied it for 5 minutes and I cannot see them.

Btw great photo, so many stars and alot of detail.

OK... so you do need to view the pic at it's largest size in a browser to have a cats chance of spotting them but to help you guys out here's one I labelled up. Both Messiers' are nearest to the top left of the capital "M's" in the picture.




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