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5 planets and a few favourites.


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I set up early but only went out after 10pm, My brother came down he wanted to look through my scope he has 20x80 binoculars but wanted to see the difference.

He said Jupiter was his favourite so we started there.

Jupiter in 12mm BST quite large easily saw 3 bands and 4 moons he was really happy with the view.

Saturn and this blew him away we could see 2 moons definitely and we are sure glimpsed a third  Gary (my brother) said he could see a darker band on the planet I could not but he has got better eyes than me.

Neptune next I never told him what it looked like when he looked he said is it that blue dot I said yes a audible wow was heard. 

Uranus was too low and so was Mars so took him on a tour.

Double double sat him down let him see the double then swapped eyepieces to a 8mm BST he looked and said wow I can see two stars one way and two stars another I said this is the double double.

The ring nebula (M57) 12mm again and he really liked this up to M13 and this was another wow so many stars in the cluster, followed by M92 smaller but still a great view.

The double cluster he spent a good 5 minutes drinking this in, before taking him to the owl cluster (NGC457).

Andromeda next I used my 2" 28mm and it was a great view over to NGC 752 a really pretty cluster then blew him away again with the blue snowball NGC 7662

M81 and M82 could see the difference in these obvious cigar shape.

By this time 12.30 am both Uranus and Mars was up so went to Uranus first Gary said it was Aqua coloured Blue/green I said yes and did he notice it was slightly bigger than Neptune.

Mars and this is getting better and better nice size disc but just not big enough to see any features including the ice caps but he said he is definitely coming again.

All in all a great night even when I phoned him today he was still buzzing.

Edited by wookie1965
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  • wookie1965 changed the title to 5 planets and a few favourites.

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