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Brief spell on Saturn


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Last night I set out on something of a mammoth observing session so decided early on to leave planetary until after the faint DSO to save ruining my dark adaptation.

In the end I struggled because Saturn being lowish was a royal PITA to view without an observing chair, (yes I forgot the blooming thing again) and my back was playing hell with me stooping over. So my time was limited to around 15 minutes overall but after trying magnification ranging from x 210 all the way up to x560 using the Nagler zoom, I actually settled on the x 210. This was mainly down to comfort and control factor, sat down I would have been able to control the DOB better and I could then have managed the higher settings easier.

The skies were excellent btw, very settled.

So didn't get the Cassini division, hints of it but to be honest I was concentrating on it's moons.

In the end I managed Titan of course, along with Iapetus, Rhea and Dione.  I think Enceladus was there too but as always with it being so close to the planet itself, the glow off the planet drowned out the moons a little. 

One thing I intend doing next time, slightly annoyed I never thought about it last night was to try out using the ND filter to calm it all down a little. Guessing with that Cassini would have been easy too last night.

I did spend a few minutes right at the end on Jupiter but it was late by then. Next time I will have a go at the two outlying gas giants as well.

Anyway, for 15 minutes a productive little Saturn session and a teaser of things to come i hope as I expect there to be other clear nights this next week when I will remember my chair.

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