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Getting back on the horse


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My last recorded visual session was back in September 2020. I had some photo sessions in the 20/21 season, and I remember a very short visual session around Christmas 2021 (but I never even bothered to record it). That’s it these last seasons.

The problem is time. The lack of time. I don’t have enough of it.

I stumbled into this hobby several years ago with a cheap 70/500 achromat. I had a blast.  As most of you have experienced, when the bug bites, your wallet gets lighter. I purchased a 70 mm doublet, a 102 mm doublet, a handful of maks, a C6, a selection of eyepieces and mounts, a few cameras and lenses, and I had my eyes on a 300 mm dob and a HEQ5. I was ready to go all in.

Then life happened. A child, a new (more time demanding) job, a house. And suddenly there were no more time left for astronomy. Something had to change.

During this spring and summer I have sold of quite a bit of equipment. And more is on the way out. I have decided to keep the following:

My 72/432 f6 doublet

Az-gti mount

Leofoto 363c tripod

2x barlow, 32 mm Plossl, Baader zoom and Televue zoom

90 degrees erecting prism


Moon filter

A small tripod chair


And that’s it.

(That’s a lie. I’m keeping the 40mm steel tripod because it is such a great bang for the buck, and the C6 that I purchased used for next to nothing, and my modified twilight 1 mount head and the Nikon D5600 just in case. But it will all gather dust for a while, until life isn’t so time-demanding).

My targets will be the moon and double stars. They both are forgiving objects and can excite even with the smallest equipment and meager conditions. No need to hunt down darker skies, I’ll just observe outside my house. I have an excellent moon map with over 300 named features, and the Cambridge double star atlas (2. Ed) with 2500 listed double stars. I think I’ll have enough to do. The little frac can be brought out in no time, and I might squeeze in 20-30 min sessions here and there.

I am looking forward to this new, more relaxed approach to the hobby.

I had my first proper session last night, and I had a blast. It was no more than an hour, but it was enough. I am back on the horse again!

Figured I’d just share these words just in case there are more people out there having equipment gathering dust for some reason and need a little push to get back at it again.

Here’s a few pictures of my very portable setup:

backback and tripod.jpg



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Attitudes to life change as time wears on. I'm no philosopher, but what I've seen and experienced in my antecedent history may help:

time goes on forever, so there's plenty of it about - make sure you get your free share of it for leisure;

don't ever get on your deathbed wishing you'd done this, that, and the other;

once you're gone, you're gone for a long time...

life is for the living.

Crack on, and enjoy. 😊 (And if it's cloudy, get the motorbike out!) 🏍️🛩️

PS: And you do have to get back on the horse - literally...

Edited by matelot
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Last few years I was a in a similar position (although with 3 young children...).  Mostly I just felt drained by the end of the day rather than lack of time!  This year I've got back into it fully even though doing a Masters degree as well as my full time job and those 3 kids are still a drain on resources and time!).... I decided to "make" time though since the start of this year and won't start a session until the kids are asleep.  There's not that many clear nights in the UK for it to be an effect on other things even if occasionally it's a ridiculously late night. :)  In the other 95% of nights when it's cloudy I get on with my studies or work...

Looks like you've got a fantastic setup there for quickly getting out and make the most of a clear night even it's only 15 or 30 mins!  I've often had a few 15-30min sessions with the 80ED or 102ED setup quickly on the tripod.  Great way to relax.  My refractors get much more use than my 12" dob because of the time requirement.

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