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22nd August waning Moon at 04:00 GMT


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Another early to bed early to rise to get some more imaging in before the rains arrive. The atmospheric conditions were not good due to high upper turbulance despite it being a nice clear morning.
Both Moon and Jupiter imaged on the Altair 6" Cassegrain.
The whole Moon shot used an ASI294C camera.
The detailed Lunar shots used an Altair 290M GP-Cam, 2000 frames with the best frames above 60% quality being stacked.
For Jupiter the atmospheric conditions were not good and I could not get so much detail. Used an Altair 385C GP-Cam, 2000 frames.
Stacked in Autostakkert, sharpened in Registax and final tweeks in Affinity Photo

04_12_5124 day Moon.jpg

04_19_15 Sinus Iridum.jpg






04_37_08 Jupiter.jpg

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