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Greetings from Zagreb, Croatia


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Hello stargazers,

Daniel here, from Zagreb, Croatia. After lurking for some time on this forum, I've decided it's time to create an account and join the discussions. My background is aviation/aerospace and software engineering. My astronomy background is some visual observing in my younger days, but in 2019. i started imaging with a star tracker (SWSA) and a DSLR (D750). I have also purchased a small refractor, the Sharpstar 61EDPH II and the ZWO 533MC Pro camera + the 120MM for guiding. I don't have a real goto mount yet, but after extensive research i have decided to go for the ZWO AM5. Currently i am focused on learning the post-processing part. I have got good results with Photoshop and wide angle Milky Way shots, but now i want to shoot more DSOs. I have done a couple of test captures so far and i am satisfied with the results. I have added Siril to my toolchain as well, and i am impressed with it's capabilities. Will probably move to PixInsight once i feel it's time to do so.

Clear skies!



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