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Problems with stacking data of the Sun and coming with these unwelcome artefacts..


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As I got data of the Sun with my solar filter through my Celestron Nexstar 127 SLT and ZWO ASI120MC-S as the camera. I need help on how to make this stacking more improved. The problem is also that my telescope was on Solar System align and I aligned it to the Sun and the tracking is inaccurate so I had to keep touching the remote for slewing any of what I need in FOV to be back in it whilst I take data of it. Here is the image to gain insight in the problem I am facing.


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8 minutes ago, Freddie said:

Going to need some info. to go on.

What software are you using? What does the avi look like when you play it back?

Turns out I ticked horizontal lines and vertical lines by mistake from the Calibration tab, what I was told by someone else from CN is that I would try out the minimum frames like 100 and experiment with it. I need to make it cropped too because it is "too much for that big of a pool". Using Autostakkert!3 by the way.

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