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Greetings from Northern Nevada


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Greetings astro people.

Started my free fall into astrophotography last November.  I have not attempted to slow my descent, but rather have embraced the journey full on.  Ive built up my arsenal for photon collecting.  I mostly image with my 8" newt, but I do have a 10" on the way. 
Im here to share my journey, take part in others and learn along the way.

Im hailing from Norther Nevada and I generally image from my B4 backyard.



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Hello and welcome to the forums.

It is always special to see somebody else nabbed by this hobby. I am hoping to get started in astrophotography myself in the coming months/years (as finances permit) 😳

With weaponry like 8 and 10 inch newts, you'll no doubt dazzle us with magnificent photos. I'm sure more experienced astro-photographers will  be able to offer any advice you may seek and you'll find this is a friendly and helpful community.

Looking forward to seeing your photos when you are ready to post them.

Clear skies! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome. I spend a bit of time in Nevada with work but alas mostly in the city but am hugely envious of your bountiful clear skies. Not quite the same as the good old uk!!  Enjoy SGL. 

Edited by Tangoringo
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