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SGL 2022 Challenge 3 - Galaxy Clusters

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Another great set of images submitted for this challenge.  As expected, there was a wide range of images from relatively large and bright favourites such as the Leo Triplet to some very faint lesser known and very distant galaxies.  This split the judges somewhat and, as always it was a difficult and subjective decision.  Well done to everyone who entered.

1) Tomato - Markarian's Chain

This is a mosaic so worth zooming in a little.  An excellent rendition of this spring time favourite.



2) The_Bluester - Centaurus Galaxies

A superb collection of faint fuzzies

Galaxies smaller.jpg


3) Clarky  - Hickson 68

A beautiful Hickson 68

Hickson_68 ST2 AP2.jpg


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Thanks guys! Being a huge  galaxy imaging enthusiast this means a lot, I enjoyed this challenge immensely  and learnt  a bit along the way on stitching mosaics together that contain a lot of background sky.

Congratulations to all the entrants, lots of cracking galaxy images in there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been so horribly busy with work that I have hardly visited the site since I posted my image. There were a number of images that I really enjoyed, congratulations to tomato on the win, and Clarkey as well, that is a really lovely field.

Unfortunately with the winter weather in Australia this year, my imaging time has been as limited as my forum browsing time!

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