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My first lunar views with the Celestron C100-ed.


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I very much enjoy viewing in the twilight hours, I can at least see what I’m doing!, so earlier I assembled the Celestron 100ed onto my Orion virtuoso 2 mount, coupled with a Televue 2” everbright diagonal, Televue binoviewer  and a few Televue plossls….it was tremendous!

Hardly a whisper of wind, the air was only slightly showing some heat haze, but it was wonderful viewing, the best in a long time.

The more I sat and gazed, the more detail came out, no goto used here, so I had to readjust every now and then, no problem.

 I’m not the one for names of any areas of the moon, I just gaze at it as it drifts across my view and absorb the beauty of our neighbour. It pays to go over the same areas when viewing like this, as at times, the air becomes still and …wow!




Edited by Chaz2b
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Lovely - so much pleasure can be had from a simple but quality setup. I’ve been out viewing Luna with a very similar setup just now - 102ED plus binoviewers at both 170x and 75x. Just wonderful. Also looked at some carbon stars in binoviewer mode at 75x - some really amazing colours, even in the bright moonlit sky. 

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