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Sol in H⍺ - 9th June 2022


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You would have been forgiven if you decided not to set up and observe the Sun this day. Activity has been low for the last 24 hours and only one region of activity was visible, initially not numbered but later in the day it was designated AR13029. There were also some small filaments on view, mainly in the north and the prominences did not promise much. Still, I set up as the sky was completely clear so it promised to be a more relaxing observing session compared to the recent cloud interrupted events.


First up is the full disc. This is a nine-pane mosaic captured with a 2.5x TeleVue Powermate. AR13029 can be seen centred in the south (S18W08) with some interesting detail on the Chromosphere below this. There are two prominences, the smallest is on the north west limb but there was an interesting set of prominences opposite in the east.



Here we can see the prominences on the north east limb. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much I could do to reduce the bright banding around the larger feature on the upper part of the limb but it was nice to capture the separation of the smaller prominence below.



Setting the 3x Altair Astro Barlow in the image train and observing south we can start to see AR13029, a nice filament leading up to it from the south east, small plage areas and the activity in the Chromosphere below AR13029. This active region was later classified DAO and is comprised of 7 sunspots. The image was captured at 07:32 UTC, 61 minutes away from the start of a B6.3 flare erupting from AR13029.



Still observing the same region of the Sun this time with a 4x TeleVue Powermate. Lots more detail on show on the Chromosphere. Now we are 39 minutes away from the flare!



Closer still with the 5x TeleVue Powermate. Captured at 08:12 UTC with 21 minutes left until the B6.3 flare and guess what? I missed it…sorry!



After finishing capturing this last image I then started on acquiring data on AR13029 for an animation so maybe, just maybe the flare is in there somewhere but the clouds did start to move in. Best I get around to processing this data then.


All the best,




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