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A Trip to Elqui valley Chile


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In April I had a business trip to Santiago, and of course couldn't pass up the opportunity to spend a few extra days to the North, in the Elqui valley, with "some" imaging gear (causing much interest at the airport!). I'll still processing the data, but below are a couple of teasers. I'm sure these will also improve over time, as I get better with PixInsight. On the imaging list were the triffid nebula, Lagoon nebula, the region around Antares generally, Carina nebula, prawn and seagull nebulae. The setup was an Askar FMA230, with mini guidescope and an Az-Gti in equatorial mode for guiding (controlled via INDI/kstars). Managed fairly decent tracking, most of the subs were 2 minute (any longer than that, and things got a bit tricky!). And the camera is an Atik460+filterwheel.



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