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Comet C/2017 K2 with 'supernova'

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Fine view of this comet tonight in my 8 inch dob.

Looked very much like an elliptical galaxy with a supernova. The mag 12.6 star next to the comet core reminded me of a supernova but of course its just a field star.

Despite the sun only being 13 degrees below the horizon it was plenty dark enough to spot the comet.

Also enjoyed the fine nearby cluster NGC 6633 which looks like this.


So don't let the fact its not astro dark stop you.


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I saw K2 for the first time last night.   You're right it does look like an elliptical galaxy.    Also nearby are planetary nebulas NGC 6572 and PK 38+12.1 plus a couple of  open clusters  in addition to NGC 6633.   Unfortunately by the time I was observing K2, my EP's and finder were all having fogging issues so I had to stop for the evening.   Tomorrow may be clear and I'll be able to see the comet again plus all the other nearby objects.    This is going to be good comet to watch all summer.   It's going to be fairly bright, in a good viewing position in a part of the sky filled with other targets.



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