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Unbranded refractor?

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Hi all

I'm thinking of buying this scope, going to look at it today, but can anyone identify the model/make/brand? I don't recognise it at all, it has a TS focusser but if the scope was TS I assume it would be branded as such (?). Any help appreciated!




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Unfortunately from a single relatively low resolution photo it is difficult to say anything with certainty.

I find myself asking a long list of questions that could only be answered by having more pictures or sight of the scope.

If it is 'small EQ mount + achro + finder' money and you aren't travelling far, It should be OK.
If the price is higher, or you are spending on travel.......

HTH, David.

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It reminds me of this Bresser refractor

Depending on the price being asked and what the seller has said about the scope makes it difficult to advise. Don't be fooled by the carbon fibre look - that does not indicate an expensive scope going cheap. In fact it could be the other way around - cheap scope touted as a expensive.

Just check what it is first and what the price of a used one should be.


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3 hours ago, alythall said:

Hi all

I'm thinking of buying this scope, going to look at it today, but can anyone identify the model/make/brand? I don't recognise it at all, it has a TS focusser but if the scope was TS I assume it would be branded as such (?). Any help appreciated!




Looks like one of the TS 70mm F6 doublets from about 5 years or so back.  Probably a FPL-51 model, but thats a guess, do you know the aperture at least?

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It looks from the advert pics that it's a full setup being sold, I won't give the details of the ad until  @alythall has responded (bought or not).  Based on the ad the focuser could have been an upgrade so still none the wiser as to the make and actual scope size. I'd say the seller is not the user of the setup, based on the fact any astronomer with that gear would add the details of the refractor focal length/aperture etc.


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16 hours ago, Adam J said:

Looks like one of the TS 70mm F6 doublets from about 5 years or so back.  Probably a FPL-51 model, but thats a guess, do you know the aperture at least?

More like a 100 mm.  The finder scope is  40-50 mm

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1 minute ago, alythall said:

Thanks for the help all - I took a look at it, it's a Meade 102mm achro. Had a bad experience with a Meade frac previously so left it. Cheers! :)


Seems like a good decision at that price.

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Walking away was a good decision. How can someone have all that kit but not know what it is?
No mention 'belonged to family member who is no longer with us' or anything like that.

The advert sets the alarm bells ringing with me. But if I was local, I would have to look - but leave my wallet at home.



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1 hour ago, Carbon Brush said:

Walking away was a good decision. How can someone have all that kit but not know what it is?
No mention 'belonged to family member who is no longer with us' or anything like that.

The advert sets the alarm bells ringing with me. But if I was local, I would have to look - but leave my wallet at home.



Sometimes putting 'belonged to family member who is no longer with us'  on an ad can attract stupid lowball offers from people taking advantage.  But based on all the gear and the updated focusers and older model cameras I would say there is likely to be a family member who has passed on or flown the coop.

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