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Why aren’t my comets turning green?

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I’ve seen lots of excellent images of comets here, and one thing always strikes me: they usually have a green hue in them. 
but how much I do try, I can’t seem to be getting any color in my comet images. 

is it because of the use of an LPS filter? Or is it lost in my processing? 
I use an OSC camera and usually integrate at least 30 minutes per image, for fainter comets 1 or 2 hours. 

My comet images

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Looking at your images, I think 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko does have a bit of green to it, however I think the reason you're struggling is simply because your signal-to-noise is not high enough to distinguish parts of your image beyond the colour noise.

You may be able to tease some more out with some of my favourite methods:

Open your stacked and stretched tiff in rawtherapee: Then go to the colour tab (the second tab)


In the colour tab you will find noise reduction as an option, turn it on but don't apply any luminance.

Change Chrominance from automatic global to manual, then put the master slider all the way to the right.

Then see if you can saturation-boost the comet to be green. This method SERIOUSLY smooths out the background RGB graininess into a flat colour. If you have enough SNR to create a green comet, then this will let you do it.

I like to go back to the exposure tab at this point and edit the LAB colour curves to tease colour out in the most natural way I can.Screenshot_20220513_092038.thumb.png.565476ec056718dc6de808eacb2135a1.png

For example, CC lets you adjust the saturation of objects, based on their saturation before LAB is applied. This lets you boost saturation without causing clipping.

CL is my favourite for astro, because it  adjusts saturation based on brightness. You can use this to boost the saturation of brighter parts of your image (i.e. comet tail) while clipping out sautation in the background (so you can minimise RGB noise as well as background gradients while having a nice colour image)

Hope these tips help. I don't know what processing software you use but I imagine lightroom also has similar features.

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I use the IDAS D1 and my typical SQM here is 19,3 - 19,6 on a good night. 

as for software, I have both APP and PI but still process comets in PI, i haven’t tried the comet function in APP yet. 
further processing is done in Affinity. 

thank you for helping! I’ll look for a way on how to do this in the software I have, there should be a similar way, i think. :) 

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