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NoiseXTerminator for PixInsight - amazing!

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So I just came across this video, where Shawn praises the new RC Astro plugin for PixInsight, NoiseXTerminator. The result seemed excellent, so I went ahead and purchased a license.

I made a few tests on a barely processed OSC image of the Rosette nebula from a few months ago. I basically stacked, auto stretched and calibrated the colors, but no noise reduction at all. 25x5 min, ZWO ASI 2600MC, Antlia ALT-P dual band, 72mm f/5.5 doublet.

I tested a few different settings to see what works best. The default option (0.90 noise, 0.15 detail) is already very good, but overall it looked slightly too plastic for my taste. So I decreased the noise and increased the detail. The result is truly fantastic!

I'm really impressed at how the details are preserved, while the noise is eliminated very efficiently. I can't say if it's much better than other options in PixInsight or Photoshop, I'm still discovering the software, but from what I see, that's all I'll ever need. The processing itself is very simple and it took about 15 seconds to process on the full 26 megapixels image.

The plugin costs $60, so it's not cheap. I already had the excellent StarXTerminator, so in that case it's only $40. Worth every penny, IMO!

Here are a few comparisons shots, to give you an idea. I believe you can see the 1:1 PNG if you click on the image. 

No noise reduction:



Default option (0.9 noise / 0.15 detail):



0.75 noise / 0.30 detail:



0.75 noise / 0.50 detail:



And here is a before / after of the overall image with the last settings (don't mind the back focus issue...):



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I've only tried it on one small galaxy image so far, but it the results were better than with my conventional Pixinsight noise reduction (MLT/ACDNR/TGVDenoise) & also better than my old copy of Topaz DeNoise.

It took a bit of restraint to avoid the 'plastic' smoothness, but I'll definitely be using NoiseXterminator in future. Plugins for Affinity Photo & Photoshop are being developed too.


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Interesting, I didn’t know about this & I also have starXterminator. My usual goto’s now have been EZsuite NR at linear stage if needed & Topaz at the other end. Thanks for bringing this to my attention 👍

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So I kicked off the trial in Pixinsight.. wow.. impressively quick results! It's worth it just to not have to listen to the cooling fan on the Mac screaming away for half an hour!!.. sold

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