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What the heck was that!


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just saw something heading north looked like a satalite but further away in the distance it got seemed to get like a massive dust cloud around it about size of the full moon,maybe it was a space rocket and its plume?

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I saw it too, a bit bigger than the full moon. Slightly W of due N, it had a bight centre and a diffuse ring around it. Just chanced to look up, it looked a bit like the moon might through heavy haze but the bins showed the bright central point.

Edited by wulfrun
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8 minutes ago, wulfrun said:

I saw it too, a bit bigger than the full moon. Slightly W of due N, it had a bight centre and a diffuse ring around it. Just chanced to look up, it looked a bit like the moon might through heavy haze but the bins showed the bright central point.

yep sounds right.

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I think I saw this too. It looked like a large light orb with a diffuse glow around it but this was likely due to the haze that is in the night air on Anglesey. It was slowly drifting due North. No sounds from it - couldn't tell how high it was - one of those candle lanterns????

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1 minute ago, Gerr said:

I think I saw this too. It looked like a large light orb with a diffuse glow around it but this was likely due to the haze that is in the night air on Anglesey. It was slowly drifting due North. No sounds from it - couldn't tell how high it was - one of those candle lanterns????

Too widely observed. This was in orbit for sure. It was almoast directly overhead for me here just south west of Derby city center.

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Just now, Leo S said:

Too widely observed. This was in orbit for sure. It was almoast directly overhead for me here just south west of Derby city center.

Yes - you're quite right. Brain fog here too!!!! It was  high, steadily moving North and had a constant glow. As you say multiple sitings now across a wide geographical area - not a lantern!!! 

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I was packing up from a session photographing M104 and spotted something really odd while I was carrying stuff back indoors.

A hazy orb with a bright centre. Looked a bit like the Moon seen through cloud, maybe a bit smaller but not much... and in completely the wrong time and place. Was almost due North for me probably to the left of Cass so maybe 20 degrees altitude. Time about 00:08. I fetched the bins back out but could not make out any detail. After a minute or so it seemed less bright and in maybe another minute it had faded away completely. I don't know how long it was visible because I probably just caught the end of it.

I did find it quite worrying - the only thing I could think of was a comet but then it faded away so I got on with my packing up.

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7 minutes ago, Leo S said:

Here are a couple of examples of orbital fuel dumps:


Cheers for that,that first one is what it looked like. We where just packing up on Anglesey as some fog was making anything hard work when I spotted this. Watched it travel till it disappeared. As it got further away the more orb like appearance it took on. 

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I'll be happy to know if anyone can give a definitive answer, I'm intrigued & it was an odd sight. First glance I thought "the moon looks seriously hazy" then a double-take because it couldn't be the moon!

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10 minutes ago, wulfrun said:

I'll be happy to know if anyone can give a definitive answer, I'm intrigued & it was an odd sight. First glance I thought "the moon looks seriously hazy" then a double-take because it couldn't be the moon!

SpaceX second stage deorbit burn

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Posted these pics looking NW from Hampshire at 00:09 - first spotted a couple of minutes before.  About half a degree in extent, glowing and setting quite rapidly. (Also noted in “What did you see tonight”).  Also a cut from Russianspaceweb.com - apparently an unknown Russian military satellite launch. Spooky stuff. 




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