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California Nebula mosaic

Anne S

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Here is my version of the Californa Nebula imaged in my back garden using an Atik 428 and Altairastro 70mmEDT Starwave refractor. I used Ha and Sii filters, processed as a bicolour image, Ha to red and Sii to blue and green. At two panel mosaic with 10x600s for each filter on each panel. Taken over a couple of nights in April when we had a fortnight of mostly clear skies. I was careful to complete both panel with each filter on the same night. I did try a few Oiii subs but didn't perserver as I would have need a very large number of subs to show anything other than stars!

Stacking and calibration was done with Astropixelprocessor. Further processsing done with Pixinsight.

One of my best images I think.


California nebulaHaSiiSii.png

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