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Wall in SHO - Finished version


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Decided to go back to square one on this. Sorted out new flats and BPM for both L-Pro and L-eNhance first.

Integrated and proceed RGB version, removed light pollution and calibrated star colour, then created version with and without stars in order to create a  separate RGB Star Layer.

Then processed Ha-OIII data as :-

Ha extract
OIII extract
False SII extract (using HA-OIII Mono)


Recombined as SHO in Astro Pixel Processor then sorted Light Pollution.

Didn't bother with star calibration as going to use RGB Star Layer anyway.

Created starless version and added RGB Star Layer.

Processed starless layer using Selective Colour and Camera Raw Filter mainly (with adjustments via Channel Mixer, Curves and Levels).

Several iterations of Topaz Denoise at various points and some selective highlighting, saturation and 'low lighting' using layer masks.




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I really like the framing, field of view and the colour you've achieved with the false SII Tony.

Something a little strange seems to be happening at 1:1 in the nebulosity:


Could this be to do with Topaz? I use Topaz DeNoise AI and find it quite a challenge to not introduce artefacts especially with sharpening. I also find the DeNoise, although very effective, needs to be used with extreme care.


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9 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

I really like the framing, field of view and the colour you've achieved with the false SII Tony.

Something a little strange seems to be happening at 1:1 in the nebulosity:


Could this be to do with Topaz? I use Topaz DeNoise AI and find it quite a challenge to not introduce artefacts especially with sharpening. I also find the DeNoise, although very effective, needs to be used with extreme care.


I try not to use sharpening in TDN is possible but I was going snowblind by the end of this so have probably just gone too far with the Denoise. Will have to go back to it later. 😊👍

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2 minutes ago, mightymonoped said:

I try not to use sharpening in TDN is possible

A wise choice in my experience.

The DeNoise can be very helpful, especially when used with a mask, but it can still be a challenge; I rarely go beyond 5-10%.


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