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That would pretty much fit the bill as far as I know - I'm sure someone will be along soon to elaborate. I recently purchased one of these but haven't had the chance to get first light yet. The size and weight make it very portable indeed. 

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I have an Starwave Ascent 80mm ED ‘frac and when seeing allows I can push the magnification over its theoretical limit when observing lunar formations & double stars etc, so you should be able to do that Ok on the nights when the sky is steadier.

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I have two of these set up as a binoscope for terrestrial and astronomical use.  They are great up to 75x with zoom eyepieces for terrestrial observation and easily support 200x on bright astronomical objects.   🙂

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I see in one review that it shows the Cassini division so 80mm aperture isn't too small. If my 75mm long focus achro can show these details I'm sure that an 80mm ED would also manage them assuming that the planets aren't too low.  David

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