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Sol in H⍺ - 21 April 2022


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The haze that has been present these last few weeks lifted for a second day in a row allowing a nice morning observation session.

The focus was on time lapses and to give the 5x TeleVue Powermate an outing but frankly this was pushing my 60mm Lunt beyond where it should be imaging. It was fun nonetheless albeit a bit blurry.

First we have the usual solar disc. A six pane mosaic using a 2.5x Powermate.


Then we have active regions 12993, 12994 and 12995 through the 2.5x Powermate.


Moving slightly to the East on the disc we have AR12995 and slowly coming in to view AR12996, captured with the 5x Powermate.


We then head back to our friends AR12993, 12994 and 12995 for a closer look at 5x magnification.



Thanks for dropping in and every a great weekend.







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9 hours ago, RobertI said:

Incredible detail John, fantastic stuff. There’s a lot to see on our nearest star!

Thank you Rob. When this weather gets more consistent you will have to pop down and take a look.

All the best,



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I mentioned time lapses in the original post but hadn’t got around to processing any of them, however, I have just finished the first one.

Here are AR12993 and AR12994 ‘in action’. This short GIF is made up of 80 individual SER files. Each SER file is made of 500 frames and the best 25% were stacked to create 80 individual images each one separated by 30 seconds. These were then thrown into PixInsight, ImPPG and PIPP to produce this little nugget.



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Second time-lapse.

This is a time-lapse of a prominence on the South West limb of the solar disc. Using the above equipment this time-lapse is made up of 107 video files spanning 500 frames each at c40fps. Each video file is separated by 30 seconds. Imaging commenced at 08:58:34 UT and finished at 10:15:25 UT. Each individual video file was stacked in AutoStakkert3! to construct 107 individual images representing 25% of the best 500 frames. These 107 images were then processed in PixInsight, aligned in ImPPG and a GIF created in PIPP.





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