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45 mins of the Heart and Soul


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Friday Night I made up a rig so I could use my asi1600 and filter wheel with my Canon 300mm F4 Lens. I've not tried this before, but I've had indications that it will  be good.

The tricky bit was trying to rig the ZWO EAF to work with the lens. Of course, the other issue is that being an autofocus unit, I'm stuck with full open aperture.

So, I eventually managed to get a decent focus, but the ring is stiff and slippy at the same time, so it was not repeatable. I'll need to work on the rig. In the end I got a decent focus for Ha at least, and out of all the subs, I only had 9 300 second subs sharp.

The good news I think is that (to my non-OCS mild peeping eyes they look very sharp all the way to the corners - and this is wide open at f4. So I think if I can get eaf to work well its a very very nice wide view setup.

Anyhoo, this is what I managed to get out of the 45 mins. I thought I'd go for a bit of a different composition than the usual - since I can't fit both in, I framed something that seems to balance well.

Being as it was only 45 mins I did have to lay a lot of noise reduction down And since I felt it was just an experiment I didn't take flats either.

Affiniity Photo for Stacking, APP for LP removal, and Affinity Photo for processing. A few Topaz Denoises, but each with 'add back detail' set off, with careful examination to ensure not detail added that's not there.

There's a bit of stacking artifact at the bottom, but hey - it's 45 mins of data, and didn't want to loose the bottom bit. 😋

Feel free to Critic.


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I think that your 45 minutes produced a fine image!

Very nice depth and details. 

I would love to see a photo how you set up the EAF to work with the 300mm lens.

Best of success getting it all working. Looks like a nice rig!

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