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Milkyway core over Italian cliff top village

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I usually miss out on all the Milkyway core fun but a recent visit to Italy changed that, although it didn't exactly go to plan!


I had scoped out a field where the milky way core would sit above the cliff top village of Trentinara. However, when I go there and set up I became aware of a lot of barking in the distance. Well, it started off in the distance until the next thing I knew I was sprinting off the field with camera, tripod and bag before a pack of dogs got me! That got the heart rate going all right 😆


Luckily I managed to shoot the core on the other side of the village and on the way home I stopped off at the side of the road of the field and shot some foreground images, so this is a composition but is pretty accurate of where the core was had I not had to run for my life! 😂


Canon R and Sigma 40mm:

10x30sec @ ISO1600 f2 tracked for sky

4x30sec @ ISO 1600 f2 for foreground 

4x15sec @ ISO 400 f5.6 for lights of town


Sky processed in Pixinsight and all blended in photoshop.



Edited by Icesheet
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