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Leo Triplet


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This will be my last widefield Galaxy image before I move the ASI 2600MC to the LX 200 to go "up close and personal" with some other galaxies. This is about 6 hours from last week-end combined with about 2 hours from last year. I have decide that I will try to not rotate my camera unless I have no option so these two sessions were about 90 degrees different in fov. Hence the rather severe crop.

One of my main goals with this image was to try to capture the tidal tal coming from the Hamburger. Its there, perhaps not as clear as I'd like but it is there.

So this is 160 X 180s, SW 80ED, ASI2600MC, L-pro.


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The tidal tail is clearly visible!

Beautiful image David. Love the wide field!


Looking forward to seeing images with “the big scope”!



Edited by juno16
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