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Stellarium vs SkySafari.

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I had the free version of Skysafari on my old phone, but when the phone died, I didn't replace the app on my new phone.

Now I'm ready to install another app, most likely the full version instead of the free.

I value the more experienced members knowledge here, so I'm asking, which would be better?

Stellarium pro or Skysafari full version?

I have an android phone.

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My vote goes to Skysafari, don’t get me wrong I have Stellarium on my PC, but the GUI and menus are very clunky and not user friendly, I never remember where anything is, that’s if I can even find the menus…..😂 IMHO anyway…

SS is just better and the items are easy to find, and where I would want them to be, and suits my way of thinking….👍🏼

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Sky Safari is better than Stellarium mobile. I had to use Stellarium mobile for a while and the free version is now completely useless for anyone who owns a telescope. Paying for the full version gets you something that is probably akin to the free version of Sky Safari in terms of features, possibly with the star catalogue of plus. I like the way the Stellarium mobile looks but once Sky Safari started working again I switched straight back. Sky Safari is a relatively large app in terms of storage space. I think my issue might have been that I didn't have enough space for downloading a data update, so watch out for that.

PC Stellarium is a completely different product and one I would also recommend.

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I think Stellarium gives a better impression of how the stars really look in terms of comparative brightness, particularly on fainter ones. SkySafari shows a lot of stars as the same that are quite different in brightness in the eyepiece.  But SkySafari is more capable overall on the mobile for sure. As has been said the PC version is different.

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Stellarium on Windows (free) is good for planning.
Sky Safari on the phone to hold the observing lists, drive the scope (assuming you have a suitable mount) and record observations.

The Android release is still v6, but v7 beta will start soon. You may find that the Plus version gives you everything you need:


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14 hours ago, maw lod qan said:

I do appreciate all the replies and thoughts!

#1 rule for learning. Listen to those who know from experience!

I use both Sky Safari Plus (the intermediary version) and Stellarium Plus 

I originally had Stellarium Free and used to rate that higher than SS, in terms of user interface and appearance (in my view at least).  However, when I changed my phone and downloaded the latest version, it was a serious step backwards

Stellarium Plus has the 'newer' interface, so gets marked down (by me) for that. 

I use Sky Safari Plus for my telescope control (works really well with my AZ GTi). 

So why do I have both? 

  • As I say, SS Plus is used for scope control,
  • but Stellarium is used in reverse image mode and with the slider set to adjust the limiting magnitude, so that I can confirm exactly which stars I can see in my eyepiece.  

I would use Stellarium Free for this second 'eyepiece view' mode, except that there are fewer faint stars available. 

(Handy Hint - on my phone I have renamed the Stellarium app as "+ muiralletS" to remind me that it's in reverse image mode). 

It works for me, and it may work for you too. 

(second Handy Hint - 'out of the box', Sky Safari is full of  'ambient' audio effects and animations - these are easily switched off in settings)

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1 hour ago, Gfamily said:

but Stellarium is used in reverse image mode and with the slider set to adjust the limiting magnitude, so that I can confirm exactly which stars I can see in my eyepiece.  

You know that Sky Safari can show TFOV circles that match your OTA/EP combination, and you can adjust the limiting magnitude?

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2 minutes ago, Zermelo said:

You know that Sky Safari can show TFOV circles that match your OTA/EP combination, and you can adjust the limiting magnitude?

It can, but as far as I can tell, reversing the image applies at all scales - so the 'planisphere view' is also reversed - similarly, adjusting the limiting magnitude can remove the actual targets from the view as well if they're marginal. 

It's fine, I have a workflow that works for me - and it might help the OP

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