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SGL 2022 Challenge 4 - Solar

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Start Date: 1st April 2022

End Date: 30th June 2022

The Sun has sprung back to life as part of it's 11 year cycle.  The next 3 months should provide solar imagers plenty of opportunities to demonstrate this activity.  Full disk, small details and animations all welcome.


All data must be captured and processed by you (no collaborative entries). 
Data must be captured during the challenge start & end dates. 
Multiple entries are allowed.
Multiple submissions of the same image, processed differently, will not be accepted.


To enter please post within this topic, do not start a new topic. Please post as much information as possible - when it was taken, how it was captured and processed, etc. The info won't necessarily be used for judging but will help fellow SGLers looking to learn and improve their knowledge and technique.

The thread is for image submissions only, please do not respond to entries other than by using emojies. 

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I guess someone has to be the first to post.  1 April itself - felt a fool setting up given how cloudy it was but GONG was showing a lot of activity.  In the end only had enough cloudless time to get 180 images (!) but seeing must have been good b/c could easily stack the best 50% & still stay high on the quality curve in AS!3.

Software: FC --> AS!3 --> ImPPG --> GIMP


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Here's my first entry, am working on a hydrogen alpha whole disc as well. This was done with a White light filter used on a 150PDS captured on 2nd April through a ASI290mm, best 40% of 5000 frames on each panel. 

WL 3.png

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This is the Hydrogen Alpha disc I took just after the white light disc on the 2nd. Taken with a Daystar Solar scout  SS60-DS and ASI290mm. Best 40% of 5000 frames and panels combined in photoshop. There was lots of wispy cloud around and that made it had to match the exposures of each panels. Combined with overexposed images for the prominences. 

Sun HA Prom Final.png

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An inverted fulldisk that I took yesterday (09 April).

Cam: Playerone Apollo M-Max

Scope: Askar FRA400

Filter: PST etalon going behind Quark Chromosphere as doublestack.

5% of 5000 frames. Mosaic of 4 tiles. Processed with MS ICE, AS3!, ImPPG and Pixinsight.750156741_solar0904colourized.thumb.jpg.877dfd07e37d03dfaaf53c5d3eb7c8ea.jpg392912368_solar0904.thumb.jpg.e3bb607bc76488303f1266dc118f7ec1.jpg

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Imaged with an APM 107/700mm, Daystar Quark Chromosphere and Altair Hypercam 174m 08/04/22. 11:10am till 11:20am

Mosaic from 28 x 1000 frames. Stacked in AS!3, sharpened in Registax then aligned in Photoshop:

I first tried MS ICE for the alignment, but although it did produce a disk, it miss-aligned some a couple of edge pieces. Photoshop did basically the same, but they could then be teased into position. 

Composite then of 2 layers. 1 inverted and processed for the surface details. False coloured. 2nd layer processed for the prominences' and also false coloured.


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First time participating in one of these events:grin:
The following image was captured today, on the 22nd of April, with my OnePlus 7 Pro and edited in Photoshop Express on my phone. It was captured afocally through my Skywatcher Evostar 72ED, Daystar Quark Chromosphere and Baader 18mm Classic Ortho eyepiece.

Camera settings (shot in RAW):
 - 1/125s exposure
 - 2500 ISO
 - f/1.7



Edited by Victor Boesen
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I imaged sunspot groups AR2993 and AR2994 over an 8 day period to show how they change their form and structure as they move across the face of the Sun. Not as detailed and high resolution as I would like but the reality was that that I had to take any small gaps in the clouds each day with associated poor seeing and gusty wind (I'm sure you can feel the wind in some of the images!) to get 8 days worth of data. The weather here in Edinburgh rarely co-operates for so long.

Interesting to see how they change over a period of time. Data captured between 18 - 25 April 2022.


AR2993 AR2994 montage mono colour.jpg

Edited by markarian
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This is a white light image taken through Baader solar film on a 150pds and a ASI290mm. Mosaic of 8 frames, each the best 30% of 5000 frames. Taken forever to process as Autostakert is being a real pain at the moment! Taken on a very windy 24th April of Sunspot groups 2993-5.

WL 24-04-22.png

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Handheld single iPhone 11 image of WL solar disc captured on 1st April.

Equipment used Tak 76DCU, Pentax 10XW and baader continuum filter. Captured on Halide app as RAW image and processed in Adobe Lightroom.



Edited by IB20
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Tinkering w solar animation just to see what its like.  Caught the surge prom from yesterday's X-flare subsiding - this activity is only 8 minutes duration (footage taken every 60s).  Best viewed on loop.

Processing: Firecapture --> AS!3 (batch) --> ImPPG (batch for sharpening, then alignment) --> PIPP for turning it into a video


[EDIT: sorry mods I posted this in the wrong section - it was meant to be in solar imaging, it is not a competition-worthy animation😂]


Edited by vineyard
posted in wrong section!
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AR2993 and 2994 in Ha. 23rd April 2022 around 2pm 

ED120, Daystar Quark, Baader 35nm as ERF,  ASI174MM

Autostakkert-> IMPPG ->Photoshop



Edited by Rob63
Added camera details
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well as it was the best data I've captured in about eight years (admittedly I wasn't capturing any for seven of those ... 🤣) I think I'll stick this one in the pot ... :icon_joker:

Canon EOS 1000D , Tal 100RS , 1.8x Barlow (modded down from 2x to suit set-up) , Baader ND3.8imaging film , Oiii filter.

100 frames stacked from 240 caught , processed in PIPP , Autostakkert 3 , Registax 5 , GIMP.





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Finally managed to achieve some high resolution detail using the C9.25. AR2999 from the 30th April, during the cooler early hours of the morning.

120s  second SER file, stacked using Autostakkert, sharpened using IMPPG, coloured in CS2

C9.25, homemade Baader 3.8 film filter, asi174mm, X3 Barlow.



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Another high resolution detail using the C9.25, AR3001 from the 30th April, during the cooler early hours of the morning.

120s  second SER file, stacked using Autostakkert, sharpened using IMPPG, coloured in CS2

C9.25, homemade Baader 3.8 film filter, asi174mm, X3 Barlow.

2022.04.30 07.27 AR3001 colour.png

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2022-05-18: Hα animation of a C4.7 solar flare in Active Region 3014 (20-second intervals, 0:24 h total; right-click for looping option):

telescope & filters: Celestron 90/660 mm (achromat), Baader D-ERF 90 mm, Lunt LS50THa etalon + B600 blocking filter

camera: Blackfly S (IMX273) + Barlow 1.6x

software: AutoStakkert!3 (stacking), ImPPG (post-processing and animation alignment), FFMPEG (video encoding)

Edited by GreatAttractor
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