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Revelation SCT focusser - okay or not?

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Hi all,

I can't bring myself to pay over £320 for a Moonlite focusser for our 10" LX200 (which is soon to go a new EQ6 for imaging) and the Revelation one comes in at about a third that price. Much better! But is it okay? I will be using the f6.3 reducer pretty much all the time. Anyone tried it?


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hi Olly

i am not a 100% up on these but the moonlight has the space inside it to accept the 6.3 reducer and the ability to keep the spacing to chip correct all of the time if i am not mistaken. I think the revelation version is the standard gso one which is cloned/re-badged by a few suppliers, i had one of these on a mak in the past, it was pretty good for the money but a moonlight it was not

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The Revelation, Skywatcher etc. are bargains for the price. Not top of the range focusers, but still nice quality and very useable.

If you can stretch your budget a bit, the latest William Optics one (Linear-Power Focuser for SCT) is very good, and not that much more at £168.00 or so.

Then probably getting out of your budget there is the new Baader 2" SC Steeltrack Crayford focuser at £257.00, probably the best buy out there. In terms of build quality, smoothness and precision it's right up there in Feather Touch territory.


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Oh thanks guys, that is great info! I didn't know about the WO job and will have a look. I just can't spend the Moonlite money on a scope that may not greatly outperform the Meade 127 refractor. The 127 doesn't have the focal length but it does have the sharpness and a cropped 127 image may not be far behind an uncropped SCT, hence my reluctance to go mad on focusers.

Thanks again,


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Be warned Olly, I have the WO linear-power focuser on my 9.25" Celestron and am extremely happy with it. However it does NOT come to focus with the focal reducer (f6.3). I don't know if the same would apply with your LX200, but it is worth checking.


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