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3 clear nights very dark skies

Dave scutt

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20211121_185329.thumb.jpg.27ee0449bbf68db3c5bd57b85f8f0a93.jpg3 clear nights from my garden bortle 2-3,  12"skywatcher  ES 82 , 14mm ,11mm ,8.8mm,6.7 and 2x barlow.

I could see so much with the naked eye could make out Andromeda M31,Persei open cluster,  beehive cluster,  and coma star cluster. 

Started off trying to see the pup though I could see it and then would disappear around 1 -2 o clock,  moved on to M51 whirlpool galaxy could actually see the spiral arms for the first time, stayed there mesmerised for a long time, moved up to M97 Owl Nebula could see it with no filter but the UHC filter made it stand out better, found a faint galaxy close to M97 doesn't mention it in my books or on stellarium🤔. Lots more open clusters, next time I'm going on a fuzzy hunt.


Edited by Dave scutt
Missed the 5 out in M51
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Nice report. Seeing clusters by eyes only is great (I have bortle 3 skies and see them often). The galaxy you saw is M108; you can frame it with the Owl in a lower mag EP.  In your Dob, the pup  should be around 4-5 o'clock.

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