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Not my words, but taken from spaceweather.com 

The increase in activity since yesterday in AR2975 and AR2976 is quite amazing.

The single frame and crop below was taken at 11.32 am, Tecnosky 102ED, Olympus E-M5 Mk11, 1/250 at 200 asa  I've also added a crop taken yesterday for comparison.








Great activity in HA too.


Edited by paulastro
GONG image added.
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  • paulastro changed the title to MARCH 28TH - " SUNSPOT GENESIS IN ACTION "

Great image

. I was out earlier today. I did some fairly ropey sketches and took even worse images. I do like WL solar observing, but there are 2 things that it really shows up  1. The floaters in my eyes just get worse  2. My optics are covered in dust specs and some hairs.

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It is amazing! It was so amazing I had SWMBO to come out and take a quick peek!

My humble single image with my Canon prime focus is nothing compared to those I'm seeing here.

But like the small fish I've caught, I still like them.

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5 hours ago, bish said:

Great image

. I was out earlier today. I did some fairly ropey sketches and took even worse images. I do like WL solar observing, but there are 2 things that it really shows up  1. The floaters in my eyes just get worse  2. My optics are covered in dust specs and some hairs.

Hi bish.  If you use a binoviewer it really helps to aleviate the floater problem, as well as giving you a much better view than with a single eyepiece.

Re the dust specs and hairs.  After every session I use a large rubber blower bulb to blow any debris from either end of the eyepiece and put both caps on before putting them away - day and night.  I don't look for any debris, I always do this without even looking .  It also blows off pollen which is very difficult to see.  Do this, and you will have much less problems with dust.

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4 hours ago, Stu said:

Gosh, that has developed a lot since yesterday when I took this dodgy shot. No convenient sun here today so I missed the fun. Thanks for the info 👍


Yes Stu, to think that all those small umbral regions forming the ' C ' shape appeared in 12 hours shows just how dynamic the sun is.  I also looked in HA and this area was just sizzling with activity, fabulous.

Edited by paulastro
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7 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

It is a very special A/R, i dont think i have seen one quite like this before. So many small "little" spots in a small area.

I thought the same thing Pete, particularly that they formed into a nearly circular feature.

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I was able to see it from Southampton at around mid-day, although a total cover of thick haze/mist spoilt the view it was still worth seeing. Stood out like a sore thumb and could still tell it was something unusual. I left the telescope out in the hope it would improve but the haze just got worse until it was cloud.

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30 minutes ago, BRADLEY 1953 said:

Hi  Paul,  yes great images, unfortunately I missed this event.  Cheers Chris.

Still evolving Chris, so it’s worth a look if you do get a break in the clouds over the next few days.


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