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2975-76 Ha 26-3-22


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hi all i got a bit of imaging done thismorrning thanks to Alan for giving me a push 😀. seeings not great here but got better as time passed.

im a bit rusty on the processing but its slowly coming back. a very nice AR if you get the chance to view.

thanks for looking. clear skys charl.

large. ed80.


800x800 ed80


Edited by xtreemchaos
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Hi Charl / All

I also had a try at this AR today.

This was the first time using a Quark & a camera, I used an Imaging Souce camera model DBK41 AU02AS. It took ages to work out all the settings and to achieve focus, so spent most of the morning with my head under a blanket trying to see the laptop screen - So this is my first attempt at imaging in HA.

Image looks a bit dark, so not sure if I underexposed it, and struggled to work out how to lighten it up, I stacked it in Registax5.

Comment and suggestions appreciated.





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53 minutes ago, PatG said:

Comment and suggestions appreciated.

hi Pat thats a great first image mate and with not the best of seeing if your sky was the same as mine this morrning. on a day like today i use a 50% reducer it makes the quark more forgiving when the seeing not so good. processing will get easyer over time when you get used to your kit. well done.  charl.

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